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Should they not, should adverse mechanical circumstances or chemical malfunction prevent, dire effects may follow. A woman with the closed-in type of pituitary, shut up in a small non-expansile sella turcica, will suffer the most violent headaches, will become fat, will frequently abort. Of adrenal insufficiency, failure of the adrenals to hypertrophy sufficiently in pregnancy, little is known.

'Rupture of the heart! rupture of the external membrane! Hypertrophy! 'To be sure, Eleonora Karpovna repeated after him, 'hyper... Well, so it is.

It is characterized by an abnormally large development of the extremities and of the features of the face, the bony as well as the soft parts. In a well-marked case the hands and feet are greatly enlarged, but not otherwise deformed, and the normal functions are not disturbed. The hypertrophy involves all the tissues, giving a curious spade-like appearance to the hands.

The reason why the somatic sexual character does not develop until the time of puberty, and develops again each breeding season in such cases as antlers, is that the original hypertrophy due to external stimulation occurred only when the testicular hormone was circulating in the blood.

Painful menstruation and leucorrhea, which are caused by displacement of the womb, inflammation and hypertrophy, or hardening of the womb, enlarged and sensitive ovaries, can all be speedily cured by flushing the colon. Is a falling down, with the body of the womb thrown backward. Frequently it is doubled upon itself, when it becomes hardened and inflamed, and adhesion often takes place.

Some people's goodness is like a wart or a wen. Their virtues are cases of what medical technicality calls hypertrophy. But our goodness should be like harmonious Indian patterns, where all colours blend in a balanced whole. Such considerations enforce the necessity for rigid self-control. And that in two directions. The special form of error into which Barnabas fell is worth notice.

Motley had a sharp attack of nephritis, attended with fever; but on returning to England in July there was no important change in the health. The weakness of the side continued, and the inability to undertake any mental work. The signs of cardiac hypertrophy were more distinct. In the beginning of the year 1875 I wrote as follows: February 20, 1875. MY DEAR Mr.

Diseases of the heart, especially hypertrophy, inflammation of the heart and pericardium, contraction of the auriculo-ventricular communications and the entrance of the aorta are also mentioned repeatedly as diseases of the miners, and are readily explained by overwork; and the same is true of the almost universal rupture which is a direct consequence of protracted over-exertion.

In the brain there is a tiny gland known as the pituitary gland, weighing little more than half a gram, and divided into two portions the "anterior" and the "posterior" lobes. Hypertrophy of the anterior lobe causes gigantism. The bones grow to an exaggerated length; the hands, feet, and bones of the face grow enormous.

The best collection of this kind of specimens is in the College of Surgeons in London. Curling quotes a most peculiar instance of hypertrophy of the fingers in a sickly girl. The middle and ring fingers of the right hand were of unusual size, the middle finger measuring 5 1/2 inches in length four inches in circumference.