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"Pretty well in a sort of way," answered the young man in a conceited tone. "If I have got your word that she is worth winning, you will find I am not backward, and I hope, before long, to give a good report of progress." Gaffin, satisfied that his son would do all he desired, charged him to keep himself quiet and not get into any scrapes while at Hurlston.

"Well, I think you have got sense enough to do that, and the Lively will not be here many hours before our plan has been carried out, and we are away from Hurlston." Poor Maiden May, as her loving friends still delighted to call her, waited day after day, anxious at not receiving a contradiction of the report of Harry's loss.

On this the door was opened, when a fine soldier-like fellow appeared, who requested to know where he should post his men. "My orders are to remain here if Sir Ralph Castleton wishes it, but if not, to proceed to Downside Cottage, at Hurlston. As the smugglers, or whatever they are, caught sight of us just as we entered the avenue, they are not likely to attack this place."

Still it was generally believed among the Hurlston people that Lieutenant Castleton and Jacob Halliburt had been lost at sea, and sometimes it was reported that the Thisbe herself had gone down with her gallant commander, Captain Headland, and all hands.

The miller of Hurlston, whose rent had been, however, very small, was among the most indignant at receiving notice that it was to be raised considerably should he wish to renew the lease as he had the option of doing. He rode over to Texford to expostulate.

Whatever he might have appeared to the passengers he showed no haughtiness when, as was frequently the case, he entered into conversation with the men. He never failed, when he met Jacob, to have a talk with him, and make more enquiries about Texford and Hurlston. At last one day Jacob said: "I think, sir, you must know the place."

"I remember you, though a good many years have passed since you were at Texford." "You have the advantage of me, knowing my name. Have you business with any one here?" "Yes; I wish to see Mr Groocock, the steward. I am the miller at Hurlston, and have to say a word or two about the rent of the mill," answered Gaffin.

Our captain, fearing lest some mistake might arise, and lest they should take them for enemies which were friends, and so, through the unruliness of the mariners some wrong might be done them, caused his skiff to be heaved out, and sent Mr. Lowe and Mr. Hurlston. When they were come aboard to us, they agreed to send for the captain, who came and showed his commission from the Prince of Orange.

Its sails were moving slowly round, but their tattered condition showed that but a small amount of grist was ground within. Such was the aspect of the little village of Hurlston and its surroundings towards the end of the last century.

They both looked at her several times, and Harry observed that their countenances exhibited surprise, and he believed at the same time no small amount of admiration. At last Julia, drawing her chair a little back, addressed May, and asked if she had been long at Hurlston. "Yes, ever since I was a child," was the answer.