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He had tried. But the unconscious, though worthy creeters, adwanced in spite of him, Huncle Bill bringing in the old lady grinning on his harm! "Phansy my feelinx." "Immagin when these unfortnat members of my famly hentered the room: you may phansy the ixtonnishment of the nobil company presnt.

"Shall we meet you at your Huncle 'Obson's?" the lady continued to Clive; "his wife is a most charming, well-informed woman, has been most kind and civil and we dine there to-day. Barnes and his wife is gone to spend the honeymoon at Newcome. Lady Clara is a sweet dear thing, and her pa and ma most affable, I am sure. What a pity Sir Brian couldn't attend the marriage!

"'Oh, it's that dear Lady Hemily, says I, 'and that lazy raskle of a husband of hers. Blodder. "I turned gashly pail. The table the guests the Countiss Towrouski, and the rest, weald round & round before my hagitated I's. IT WAS MY GRANDMOTHER AND Huncle Bill. She is a washerwoman at Healing Common, and he he keeps a wegetable donkey-cart. "Y, Y hadn't John, the tiger, igscluded them?

"Ah, Mistoo Itchlin! if I had baw'd money ligue the huncle of my hant!" He waved his hand to the ceiling and looked up through that obstruction, as it were, to the witnessing sky. "But I hade that to baw'! I tell you 'ow 'tis with me, Mistoo Itchlin; I nevvah would consen' to baw' money on'y if I pay a big inte'es' on it.

Naow there's 'Enery; 'is mother died hin a drunken fit. 'E never knew nothink hall 'is life but beating and starving, till the Haid Society took 'im hin 'and. "Then there's Sally. Why, Sally's living 'igh naow hoff the fat hof the land, has you might say. Heverybody knows 'ow 'er hold huncle treated 'er!" Mrs.