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Eurostopodus guttatus. Podargus humeralis, VIG. and HORSF. Aegotheles Novae-Hollandiae, VIG. and HORSF.? Merops ornatus, LATH. Dacelo gigas, BODD. Halcyon sanctus, VIG. and HORSF. pyrrhopygia, GOULD. Alcyone azurea. Falcunculus frontatus, VIG. and HORSF. Oreoica gutturalis.

Xerophila leucopsis, GOULD. Colluricincla cinerea, VIG. and HORSF.? Pachycephala gutturalis, VIG. and HORSF. inornata, GOULD.? pectoralis, VIG. and HORSF. rufogularis, GOULD. Artamus sordidus. personatus, GOULD. Cracticus destructor, TEMM. Gymnorhina leuconota, GOULD. Grallina melanoleuca, VIEILL. Strepera ? Campephaga humeralis, GOULD.? Graucalus melanops, VIG. and HORSF. Cinclosoma punctatum, VIG. and HORSF. castanotus, GOULD. Malurus cyaneus, VIEILL. melanotus, GOULD. leucopterus, QUOY AND GAIM. Lamberti, VIG. and HORSF. Stipiturus malachurus, LESS. Cysticola exilis?

At Avignon, where I have not yet seen Sitaris humeralis, the same species of Anthophora, observed at almost the same season, while pillaging the lilac-blossom, was always free of young Sitaris-grubs; at Carpentras, on the contrary, where there is not a single Anthophora-colony without Sitares, nearly three-quarters of the specimens which I examined carried a few of these larvæ in their fleece.