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It is probable that he stopped in Columbia County, for he married Miss Sanders, of that county. She died, leaving no children, and Major Toombs went back to Virginia and married Miss Catlett. One son was born, and this lady died. Miss Catharine Huling was the third wife. The Hulings were also Virginians, and by this marriage six children were reared. Sarah, who finally became Mrs.

But when the latter attempted to retreat they found their way blacked by the Sixteenth Pennsylvania, under Colonel Hulings, which General Wilson had sent round to the rear of the town the night before. The attack in front was timed so as to allow this force to get into position.

‘Spanish commander, Igleseas, and Captain Lopez killed. Our loss reported six wounded, only one severely. Men and officers behaving excellently.’ “Colonel Hulings and Colonel Biddle are especially to be commended. This is a very important capture, and well executed. Names of wounded as soon as received here.

For a few minutes the Spanish returned the fire with Mausers, but as shell after shell crashed through the blockhouse, they abandoned it and fell back toward Coamo. Soon flames leaped upward from the roof, and an hour later the fort was but a smoldering ruin. "Meanwhile the infantry was pressing rapidly forward. General Wilson was wondering what had become of Hulings.

Secretary of War, Washington:—The following received from General Wilson: “‘General Ernst’s brigade captured Coamo 8.30 this morning. Sixteenth Pennsylvania, Colonel Hulings commanding, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Biddle, of my staff, having made a turning movement through the mountains, striking the Aibonito road half a mile beyond town, captured the entire garrison of Coamo, about 150 men.

Colonel Hulings, with ten companies of the Sixteenth Pennsylvania, occupied Juan Diaz, about eight miles northeast of Ponce, on the road to San Juan. The American flag was raised, and greeted with great enthusiasm by the populace. August 1. The American scouts were within six miles of Coamo, and the Spanish rear guard was retiring fast.