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There were eight of them, but they had pulled and pulled, and still the wagon was stuck in the mud. "Are you going to help us, Umboo?" asked one of the horses who knew the elephant, for the circus animals can talk among themselves, just as you boys and girls do. "Are you going to help us?" "I am going to try," Umboo answered. "You look tired, horsies!

"But it is good-bye this time, little one, there will be no more good-nights for you and me. I am going away." A bewildered look swept over the child's face. "Away!" she echoed, "to leave Nan an' Pwimwose an' the horsies? Me'll do too, Don. He'll do anywhere wid oo, Don." "I wish I could take you!" and John strained her to his breast. "But there is no Neptune to carry us now, little one.

He looked at where the wheels were sunk away down in the soft ground, and then, being the strongest and most wise of all the beasts of the world, the elephant put his big, broad head against the wagon. "Now, then, horsies! Pull!" he cried, trumpeting through his trunk, which was hollow like a hose. "Pull, horsies!"

"I do not know, but I think all the roads are good in Colorado. Certainly no road is impassable for a Harmer Six with you at the wheel." "I have a notion to drive up and see them," said Connie. "Literary material, you know." "I want to see the horsies fly, too," cried Julia quickly. Carol thought it might do David good, and David was sure Carol needed a vacation. They would think it over.