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And there followed the honor-roll of Warren's fallen. Millicent's sensitive lips quivered a little. Her ready imagination pictured them coming to this very square, perhaps, the men of Warren.

Girard College has a long honor-roll of noble men who have succeeded beyond the average, helping themselves by adding to the wealth and happiness of the world. Great was the mariner and merchant who made these things possible!

At once the ships weighed; and they speedily captured every coast town and fort, for their dreaded enemy was no longer in the way. The fame of Cushing's deed went all over the North, and his name will stand forever among the brightest on the honor-roll of the American navy. Ha, old ship, do they thrill, The brave two hundred scars You got in the river wars?

Oh! What chances the men of earth have to-day to be as God! The highest conception any religion has given us of God is that he is one that would sacrifice himself "Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends" and to-day they're doing it by the million. Every moment is adding names to the honor-roll of heaven of men who follow in His steps.

In her work she was eminently successful, and five comets at least are placed to her credit on the honor-roll by right of priority. Her discoveries were duly forwarded by her brother to the Royal Society for record. Later, the King of Prussia was to honor her with a gold medal, and several learned societies elected her an honorary member.