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"M'sieu' Brownee, you may call me de cursed patois. I not know anyt'ings. But when André La France take me away, oh, I t'ink I die! Let me honly be Françoise to do your mend'! I be 'appier to honly look at you dan some womans who 'ave 'usban'!" "Françoise, kiss me kiss me!" His voice broke with a sob. "If you loved me you would have me!" "M'sieu' Brownee, I ado' you!"

She ain't got a bob to bless 'erself with, she ain't. She's broke, stony broke. Honly for my kind 'eart she'd a been out on the street afore this. That and 'er tellin' me she was expectin' money from 'er rich friends in the States. You're from the States, ain't you, sir?" "Yes. But do you mean to tell me that Miss Morley has no money of her own?" "Of course I mean it.

"It's my belief as 'ow she's bin a waccinated ten times, yer honour." "Why, Simon?" "Why, she's without blood or marrow, she is; and as for flesh, she ain't got none." "Well, what for that?" "And not honly that," he continued, without heeding my question, "she hain't a got a hounce of tender feelin's in her natur. In my opinion, sur, she's a witch, she is, and hev got dealin's with the devil."

From the opposite section came an unmistakable sound, long-drawn and penetrating as a cross-cut saw. Madam was evidently asleep. Betty giggled, as from Jenkins's perch came a gentle echo. "'Hi honly said as 'ow hit were a bad 'abit, ma'am," whispered Lloyd. "Wouldn't you love to jab the old lady herself with an umbrella?"

This piece of business here keeps me and the governor hon and hoff like, and will do for some weeks perhaps; but when that's done, honly say the word, and I'll make you Mrs. M. Isn't that fair, now?" "But, Mr. Aby " "Never mind the mister, Fan, between friends." "La! I couldn't call you Aby without it; could I?" "Try, my darling." "Well Aby there now. It does sound so uppish, don't it?

Ducrow honly because his feelin's wouldn't allow him to keep him no longer after the death of the first Mrs. D., who invariably rode him. "And why's that?" asked Captain Walker. "Why is he safer on Sundays than other days?" "BECAUSE THERE'S NO MUSIC in the streets on Sundays.