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And further, an honest-minded young man, who leads a strictly moral life, and labors hard to gain a reputation for himself, is cast aside or scorned as a mere nobody!" "It is too true, Hester, I can fully endorse what you say.

It would be no small relief to every honest-minded person, especially in England, to be clear upon the subject that England is free of guilt equally so to the soldier who is called upon to fight her battles.

What if he be a stalwart man, honest-minded, with clever eye, cunning hand, ready brain, broad back, and warm heart; in want of a wife mayhap; a man that can earn his own bread and another's; half a dozen others' when the half dozen come? Would not that be a good sort of lodger? Such a question as that too did flit, just flit, across the widow's sleepless mind.

The agencies must have been exceedingly subtle, and the jugglery and artifice superhuman, to operate such processes of reasoning, such deception and aberration in honest-minded and even godly persons. As to the bulk of the Boer people, they are simply led by their chiefs and superiors, in whom they repose unquestioning confidence.

When honest-minded people are a little shaken in anything, they try hard to persuade themselves by extra vehemence that they are not so. 'Mamma, dear, said Frances, 'I am beginning to believe not only that you are the best but the very cleverest woman in the world. And Mrs Mildmay laughed the joyous laugh which was one of her charms.

Queed would. "I am paying you the extraordinary compliment," said Sharlee, "of talking to you as others might talk about you behind your back in fact, as everybody does talk about you behind your back. I do this on the theory that you are a serious and honest-minded man, sincerely interested in learning the truth about yourself and your failures, so that you may correct them.

With their many virtues, the Swedes are a most self-helping people. They are hard-working and honest, true and straightforward. In matters of commerce they are men of their word. They are clear-headed, honest-minded, and keen in their desire for knowledge.

There is about the man a striking combination of Uriah Heap and Mr. Pecksniff; which, to an honest-minded man, rendered him intolerable. But Nicholas Sharpley had his followers, and thrived and shone bright among the legal luminaries, and was always ready to do the most unprincipled jobs to be met with.

But this touch of truth and feeling served her mischievous purpose better than she thought, for it convinced the honest-minded Hemstead that she was just what she seemed, and his sympathy went out to her at once as a well-meaning, true-hearted girl.

He had induced an honest-minded but not very clearheaded Prince, Maximilian, the brother of the Emperor of Austria, to accept a throne in Mexico to be established by French bayonets, and which, as the result showed, could sustain itself only while those bayonets were available.