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Strathsay, who had journeyed over the Atlantic for one last look at sweet home-things, and to see how all went with us, and then had flitted back again, but for that, home would have seemed the veriest dream that ever buzzed in an idle brain: would so have seemed to other maidens, not to us, for the fibres of the Strathsay heart were threads that never wore thin or parted.

In the main cabin she has installed a sewing-machine. All hand-stitching, and embroidering, and fancy work she does in the deck- chair beside me. She avers that she loves the sea and the atmosphere of sea-life, yet, verily, she has brought her home-things and land-things along with her even to her pretty china for afternoon tea. Most essentially is she the woman and home-maker. She is a born cook.

"I can tell you what your mother puts into her plants," said I, "just what she has put into her children, and all her other home-things, her heart. She loves them; she lives in them; she has in herself a plant-life and a plant-sympathy.

But," he broke off abruptly, "got a cigar, Jasper?" and he began to hunt the mantel among the few home-things spread around to enliven the hotel apartment. "Haven't such an article," said Jasper. "I forgot you don't smoke," said Pickering with a sigh. "Dear me! how will you bear trouble when it comes, old chap?"