United States or French Polynesia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I didn't know how much I'd missed you till I saw you. You good old thing! You nice old boy! Aren't you a brick to have come! My soul, my soul! I didn't know till this minute how tired I am of foreigners and half-foreigners and quarter-foreigners and all their ways. I was hungry for home-folks and didn't know it.

"I remember when I came here five years ago," went on Maggie after Travis had left, "I was so proud an' happy. I was healthy an' well an' so happy to think I cu'd make a livin' for the home-folks for daddy an' the little ones. Oh, they would put them in the mill, but I said no, I'll work my fingers off first. Let 'em play an' grow.

Haven't you any dress with frills and fal-lals, such as the ladies are wearing now? These clinging gowns do well enough for home-folks like me and Bruce, but Something airy, gay, now. It's only as an adviser that Will recommended Mr. Van Ness to you, you understand? Your cousin consulted him of late years in all financial matters.

"You're not so peart as you was, Esmeraldy," he remarked, tremulously; "not as peart by a light smart, and what with that, and what with your fixin's, Wash I mean the home-folks," hastily "they'd hardly know ye." He followed her down-stairs mournfully when she took her departure, and Clélie and myself being left alone interested ourselves in various speculations concerning them, as was our habit.

Dey look like home-folks; de preacher preach like home-folks; de people sing like home-folks. Dey say dis Church was a enemy to de black people, and dat dey was in favor ob slavery.

I like them every one and it's a lovely visiting-place. I'm glad I'm going to spend to-morrow night there. But Dunlop he's much nicer to be company than home-folks with." The next day was Christmas Eve. When Anne entered the 'Roseland' nursery, snow was beginning to fall, fluttering down in big wet flakes. Dunlop, his stocking in his hand, was prancing about the room.

He is never at ease until back with his home-folks, foot-loose and free. Third, because there was nothing in his environment to arouse ambition. The hard, hopeless life of the mountain farm, sustained only by a meager and ill-cooked diet, begat laziness and shiftless unconcern.

The reaction of the German submarining in American waters on the boys "Over There" will be interesting to home-folks. When the news got to France that submarines were plying in American waters near New York, did it produce consternation? No! Did it produce regret? No! Did it make them mad? No! It made them laugh.

So Henrietta tried to behave as if nothing unusual had happened. She told her chicks that they were going home that evening, and that she would be glad to be back on the farm again, among plain home-folks. At last Johnnie Green and his father came to load Henrietta and her family into the wagon. "Well," said the old horse Ebenezer to Henrietta. "Did you enjoy the races?"

And, my law! the whole earth bowin' down to him; torchlight processions and sky-rockets when he come home in the night; bands and cannon if his train got in, daytime; home-folks so proud of him they couldn't see; everybody's hat off; and all the most important men in the country following at his heels a country, too, that'd put up consider'ble of a comparison with everything Napoleon had when he'd licked 'em all, over there.