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"You don't look as if you had danced all night," he said. "Did the mare behave herself?" "She's a perfect beauty, Carter. I rode her round the old mill-dam, 'cross the ford, and back by the Hollises'. Now I'm perfectly famished. Some hot rolls, Rachel, and another croquette, and and everything you have." Mrs. Nelson picked several crumbs from the cloth and laid them carefully on her plate.

With a clear conscience she carried to her home flour, sugar, and lard from the Hollises' store-room, and sat up nights in her little cabin at "Who'd 'a' Thought It" to bake dumplings, rolls, and pies for her "po' white chile." Sandy felt some misgivings about the delicacies which she brought, and one day asked her where she made them. "I makes 'em out home," she declared stoutly.

M-Martha says he can jump that high fence b-back of the Hollises' without touching it. I d-drove dad's buggy clear up over the curbstone yesterday, so he would come to the r-rescue, and he swung on to old B-Baldy's neck like he had been a race-horse." "But you don't know him," protested Ruth. "And, besides, he was he was a peddler." "I don't care if he was," said Annette.

And over beyond the ridge, where the springs and brooks flowed the other way to feed Crippleshin, dwelt the Hollmans, the Purvies, the Asberries, the Hollises and the Daltons men equally strong in their vindictive fealty to the code of the vendetta. By mountain standards, old Spicer South was rich.

"For one thing, I do not consider Crestlands as my ancestral estate. My Grandmother Hite lived there only until her marriage, and neither Hollises nor Logans had part or lot in it. No, my ancestral halls shall be of my own rearing," he said promptly.

It had been confidently supposed that she would go away at once for a rest and change. Every one knew that the Hollises had offered to take her with them on a long trip to the Pacific Coast. But Esther had declined to go. She declined to go anywhere. Worn out as she was with strain and grief, she persisted in disregarding the advice of everybody. Coombe was quite annoyed with Esther so stubborn!