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Such was the state of things inside Hoghton Tower early on the eventful morning in question, and out of doors, especially in the base court which Nicholas was traversing, the noise, bustle, and confusion were equally great.

Soon after this the King arose, and was ushered to his apartments by Sir Richard Hoghton with the same ceremony as had been observed on his entrance. He was followed by all the nobles; and Nicholas and the others, being released from their duties, repaired to the lower end of the hall to dine.

"I am the retainer of one whose livery is sombre," replied the young man, with a ghastly smile. "But enough of this," he added, endeavouring to assume a livelier air; "I suppose you are on the way to Hoghton Tower. I thought to reach Preston before you were up, but I might have recollected you are no lag-a-bed, Nicholas, not even after hard drinking overnight, as witness your feats at Whalley.

On the King's return to Hoghton Tower, orders were given by Sir Richard for the immediate service of the banquet; it being the hospitable baronet's desire that festivities should succeed each other so rapidly as to allow of no tedium. The coup-d'oeil of the banquet hall on the monarch's entrance was magnificent.

With your permission, I will proceed to Hoghton Tower." "I also crave your Majesty's leave to go with her," said Dorothy. "I will attend them," interposed Richard. "Na, you maun stay wi' us, young sir," cried the King. "Your gude father will gang wi' 'em.

Hoghton Park, though not very extensive, boasted a great deal of magnificent timber, and in some places was so thickly wooded, that, according to Dr. Kuerden, "a man passing through it could scarcely have seen the sun shine at middle of day." Into one of these tenebrous groves the horsemen now plunged, and for some moments were buried in the gloom produced by matted and overhanging boughs.

Again the flame shot high in air, again roared and raged, again broke into a multitude of lambent points, after which it suddenly expired. All was darkness on the summit of Pendle Hill. And in silence and in gloom scarcely more profound than that Weighing in every breast, the melancholy troop pursued its way to Whalley. Hoghton tower

In this instance the person selected was Sir Gilbert Hoghton, the eldest son of Sir Richard, and subsequent owner of Hoghton Tower.

The squire had only just departed, having succeeded in the twofold object of his visit which was, firstly, to borrow three hundred pounds from his cousin and, secondly, to induce him to attend the meeting at Hoghton Tower. With the first request Richard willingly complied, and he assented, though with some reluctance, to the second, provided nothing of serious moment should occur in the interim.

Sir C. H. Foster; General Sir J. W. Guise; Sir Robert Harty; Sir William Hartopp; Sir Henry A. Hoare; Sir Henry de Hoghton; Vice-Admiral Hon. Sir Henry Keppel; Sir Edward Kerrison, M. P.; Sir John Dick Lander, M. P.; Sir E. A. H. Lechmere; Sir Coleman M. O. Loghlin, M. P.; Rev. C. R. Lighton, Bart.; Lieut.-Col.