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We are bound to drive the bullocks, All by hollows, hirsts, and hillocks, Through the sleet, and through the rain. When the moon is beaming low On frozen lake and hills of snow, Bold and heartily we go; And all for little gain. This noble ruin is dear to my recollection, from associations which have been long and painfully broken.

GILLIE-WET-FOOT, a barefooted Highland lad. GIMMER, a ewe from one to two years old. GLISKED, glimpsed. GRIPPLE, rapacious, niggardly. GULPIN, a simpleton. HA', hall. HAG, a portion of copse marked off for cutting. HAIL, whole. HALLAN, a partition, a screen. HAME, home. HANTLE, a great deal. HARST, harvest. HERSHIPS, plunder. HILDING, a coward. HIRSTS, knolls.

I wonder where she is! We must be quick, as we have only ten minutes left before we must start again to the station." Miss Graveson, the mistress, volunteered to send in search of her, and a girl started on an urgent hunt through the school; but evidently it was a difficult task, for it was only when the Hirsts' cab was at the door that she returned with the object of her quest.

Flushing called collectively the Hirsts. They sat down opposite, across the gangway. Mr. Flushing treated his wife with a mixture of admiration and indulgence, making up by the suavity and fluency of his speech for the abruptness of hers. While she darted and ejaculated he gave Rachel a sketch of the history of South American art.

We are bound to drive the bullocks, All by hollows, hirsts, and hillocks, Through the sleet, and through the rain. When the moon is beaming low On frozen lake and hills of snow, Bold and heartily we go; And all for little gain. This noble ruin is dear to my recollection, from associations which have been long and painfully broken.

We are bound to drive the bullocks, All by hollows, hirsts, and hillocks, Through the sleet and through the rain; When the moon is beaming low On frozen lake and hills of snow, Bold and heartily we go; And all for little gain. This noble ruin is dear to my recollection, from associations which have been long and painfully broken.

The Hirsts' compartment was crammed as tightly as it could be: five girls managed to screw themselves into the space of four, and one, who could find no seat at all, sat in turns on the others' knees. Two amongst them at once attracted Patty's notice.