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The leaves of this plant have a sweet fragrant smell, more agreeable, though weaker, than that of the roots. Lewis's Mat. Med. AESCULUS Hippocastanum. HORSE-CHESNUT. The Bark and Seed.

The natives said it was originally brought from the east of Asia, but grows freely in any climate, and in their tongue its name is designated by a combination of three words, signifying separately, a noble animal, an elegant game, and a luscious kernel. Had Linnaeus seen this tree, he would have assuredly contemplated it with delightful ecstacy, and named it the Ae'sculus Hippocástanum.

As there are numerous forms of the red-flowered Horse Chestnut, differing much in the depth of flower colouring, it may be well to warn planters, for some of these have but a faint tinge of pink overlying a dirty yellowish-green groundwork, while the finest and most desirable tree has the flowers of a decided pinky-red. AE. HIPPOCASTANUM. The Common Horse Chestnut. Asia, 1629.

Hippocastanum foliis variegatis has the foliage rather irregularly variegated. Buckeye. North America, 1820. This is very distinct, and possesses feature which are shared by no other hardy tree or shrub in cultivation.

It gives a pleasing shade, and forms an imposing and picturesque object in the landscape, especially where the conditions of soil a rich free loam are provided. Ae. It is a very distinct and desirable large growing tree. Ae. Hippocastanum laciniata and Ae. Hippocastanum digitalis are valuable for their divided leaves; while Ae.