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He sat down amid silence which was presently broken by the shrill voice of Duffer. "Mr. Cheerman," said Duffer. "I rise to a p'int o' order." "Pint o' vot?" inquired the Chair. "Order, sir, order!" cried Duffer, who had long been a member of an East Side debating club. "Vell, I hunderstands you, Duffer, hall as far's you've vent. But it's wery himportant, me boy, vot you horders a pint of.

"Oo is it?" growled the shipowner. "Gennelman from the noospaper, sir." "Can't be bothered." "'E sez hit's most himportant, sir." "Wot is?" "I dunno, sir." "Well, show 'im in. I'll soon settle 'im." A quiet-mannered young man appeared. He ignored David's sharp, "Now, wot can I do for you?" and drew up a chair, on which he seated himself, uninvited.

I told 'im 'er was at dinner, and mussent be disturbed at meals, which 'e hanswered, and said as 'is business were most himportant, and 'e must see you whether or no, ma'am, which I beg yer parding for 'sturbing yer agin horders." "It will be a mon frae Johnnie Scott. He'll be fetching me a message or some money. Gae tell him to come in," said Rose, in hopeful excitement.

From a rayther hurryed conwersashun with a real Native, I gathered the himportant fack that the one reason why all the great big Beach Trees of the Forest had had their tops cut off, was, that OLIWER CROMWEEL wanted the bows for his sojers to carry, so as to make 'em look more than they was when he marched at their Hed to the Seege of Winsor Carsel!