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With this, chuckling, responding in kind, the company began to disperse to the various huts. The Commander approached Kalus, shook his hand, and apologized personally, while the hill-man repeated his own contrition. At last, looking down, Kalus found himself seated at the table alone, his thoughts as dark and empty as the place itself. Sylviana had been ashamed of him.

Upon this the hill-man emptied the whole chest into the bag, and once more asked "Is there enough now?" The guardian of the pigs now saw that there was as much in the sack as he would be able to carry, so he answered "No one gives more, most people give less." "Come now," said the hill-man, "let us hear who else is to be at the christening."

Flocks of goats are driven from house to house to be milked at the doorstep, and occasionally a hill-man may be seen wandering about in the hope of finding a purchaser for the freshly-caught leopard he is leading. What will, perhaps, most strike Europeans are the bullock gharries by which the heavy traffic of the town is carried on.

He could only command a lot of bogies. This will give you authority over flesh and blood! Take it, sahib!" So King put it on, letting it slip up his sleeve, out of sight, with a sensation as the snap closed of putting handcuffs on himself. But the Rangar looked relieved. "That is your passport, sahib! Show it to a Hill-man whenever you suppose yourself in danger.

If the Mohmands had come down the eastern slopes of the Rhotas Heights and fallen upon them as they stumbled and groped their way along the Lashora ravine, Macpherson would have had to choose between a retreat or an advance up the steep mountain side, three thousand feet high, in pursuit of an invisible enemy, and exposed to a shower of rocks and stones missiles which every hill-man knows well how to handle.

Half-way between the ruined palace wall and our tent he stopped, and then I felt Hassan's hand upon my arm again as, with the other, he pointed towards the river bank. We saw the grass moving there, and through it came a second hill-man, who gradually drew near to the first.

"And fall heir to a blood-feud with every second man I chance upon! A Hill-man is cousin to a hundred others, and what say they in the 'Hills'? 'to hate like cousins, eh? All cousins are at war. As a Rangar I have left my cousins down in India. Better be a converted Hindu and be despised by some than have cousins in the 'Hills'! Besides do I speak like a Hillman?" "Aye!

As the sun rose, dazzling, across the vast Atlantic, one of its urchins stood up among the wave-ends and stepped cautiously ashore. Alerted by the sixth sense that every hill-man must possess, Kalus opened his eyes and remained perfectly still. There in the clear light of morning, he witnessed a scene that recalled to him the simple act of kindness that had changed his life forever.

"At least, kind master, give me my cap!" piteously implored the Hill-man. "Take it; and good-bye for evermore!" cried Arndt, as he clasped his sister in his arms and leaped out. The chasm closed, and the two children found themselves lying in a snow-drift, with the gray dawn of a winter's morning just breaking over them.

A 'ciociaro' is a hill-man who wears 'cioce, or rags, bound upon his feet with leathern sandals and thongs. He is generally a shepherd, and is held in contempt by the more respectable people of the larger mountain towns. To call a man a 'ciociaro' is a bitter insult. Stefanone in his anger had half risen from his seat.