United States or Morocco ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

On the ground she raised corn and flax; and obtained a peck of corn, some herrings, or a piece of meat, for a day's work among the neighboring owners. In this way she brought up her children. Her husband could help her but little. As soon as each of the children became big enough, it was sold away from her.

However, the fishermen are too wise to take children with them, for any noise frightens the herrings, so the fishing is done in silence, under the quiet stars. If you saw a herring-net taken in, you might forget yourself so far as to scream with delight at the sight of the fish flashing like silver, and bright with blue and purple hues which no painter could copy.

I half regret joining the mad party that had gathered an hour later in the old law office where these two graceless characters held almost nightly revel, the instigators and conniving hosts of a reputed banquet whose MENU'S range confined itself to herrings, or "blind robins," dried beef, and cheese, with crackers, gingerbread, and sometimes pie; the whole washed down with anything but

They camped by a copse for the midday meal, sat on the grass, made a fire of sticks, and cooked herrings in a frying-pan, produced from one of the knobbly bundles. "It's better'n Fiff of November," said Dickie; "and I do like you. I like you nexter my own daddy and Mr. Baxter next door." "That's all right," said Mr. Beale awkwardly.

Benson's, partly because a smell of fried herrings drifted in daily from the street. She felt herself the chosen of a servant, one for whom a clown had held battle; and then she found herself resenting the phrases, growing hot over them. A servant Mrs. Benson, that staunch protectress!

Giles's or Spitalfields. Indeed, the mortality is greater than that of any other town in England. Liverpool is a great port for emigration to the United States and Canada. On the line of packet ships the accommodation for those who can pay 5 pounds and upwards is excellent; in the timber ships they are packed like herrings after being lodged like pigs. But what can be expected for the fare.

He has at one time picked up as much as a bushel of herrings thus killed by a swordfish on Georges Banks. But little is known regarding their time and place of breeding. They are said to deposit their eggs in large quantities on the coasts of Sicily, and European writers give their spawning-time occurring the latter part of spring and the beginning of summer.

"I went hence to restore some order in the van," he said, "and left the main body under your Grace's own guidance, and now, on my return, I can neither find that we have front, flank, nor rear, so utter is the confusion." "We are the more like a barrel of herrings," answered Le Glorieux, "which is the most natural resemblance for a Flemish army."

She ran down the hillside to him that day, her eyes the blue-grey eyes of her people wide with horror, her long, straight, fair hair, that she wore in two Marguerite plaits, loosened and swinging in the wind. Hunchback Wullie was in the first hut, threading the herrings through their gills on the long strings that went from side to side high up under the roof.

Soak herrings over night in cold water; remove the milch; cut off the head and skin and cut the herring into small pieces; add 2 apples, 2 pickles, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 1 onion, a few olives, all cut fine. Put into bowl; mash the milch with a little mustard, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, pepper and salt. Add 1/4 cupful of vinegar and mix all well together.