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Purcell, you are quoting Latin to me and what do you mean by talking of the learned Hergesius, and Greek all this time? the line is Juvenal's. "'My lord, with much submission to your lordship, and every deference to your great attainments and very superior talents, let me still assure you that I am quoting Greek, and that your lordship is in error. "'Mr.

Purcell, you are quoting Latin to me and what do you mean by talking of the learned Hergesius, and Greek all this time? the line is Juvenal's. "'My lord, with much submission to your lordship, and every deference to your great attainments and very superior talents, let me still assure you that I am quoting Greek, and that your lordship is in error. "'Mr.

Mr. Purcell why I must have mistaken will you repeat the passage? "'With pleasure, my lord. I was just observing to your lordship and the jury, with the eloquent poet Hergesius, 'vacuus viator cantabit ante latronem. "'Greek, did you call it? "'Yes, my lord, of course I did. "'Why, Mr.

Mr. Purcell why I must have mistaken will you repeat the passage? "'With pleasure, my lord. I was just observing to your lordship and the jury, with the eloquent poet Hergesius, 'vacuus viator cantabit ante latronem. "'Greek, did you call it? "'Yes, my lord, of course I did. "'Why, Mr.