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Who does not imagine a panorama of all that is gay and glorious in warfare prancing coursers, gilded trappings, burnished sabres, waving pennons, and glittering helmets rank after rank of gallant riders anon the blast of bugles, the drawing of sabres, the mighty rushing of a thousand steeds, the clash of steel, the shout, the victory?

He was trying to put away the thought that the intruder had cut the air-hose attached to the helmets of his friends. For all he knew all three boys might be lying drowned, on the floor of the ocean. The thought was unbearable, and he resolved to banish it in action. His first impulse was to disconnect the exhaust and fill the chamber with water.

The heat at times beat on their helmets so fiercely that they were forced to turn their faces aside and half-turn their backs on the foe, but they always kept their weapons the "branches" to the front, and continued to discharge upon him tons and tons of aqueous artillery.

"Tell me, worthiness," inquired Ramses on a sudden, "what good comes of these treasures shut up in darkness?" "Should Egypt be in danger there would be great power in them," replied the overseer. "For a few of these helmets, chariots and swords we might buy the good-will of all the Assyrian satraps.

Georges then assembled his captains, and gave orders to form the troops in line of battle. Addressing the troops, he said: "Let no soldier's life be spared. Aim particularly at the officers. The helmets, the clothes and the horses of the dead shall belong to you. Let us not be troubled with any prisoners. The princes alone may be taken captive, and reserved for public execution."

The prows of the boats were shaped like dragons' heads, and round shields ran along the gunwales beside the rowers. From these boats came pouring out a wild horde of gigantic and bloodthirsty men, heavily armed, ravens' wings attached to their helmets and long hair streaming over their armor. The Saxons quickly learned that it was well to flee when these men appeared.

You will need to dress for the tropics thin clothing, sun helmets, colored glasses, all that sort of thing. "And you need not be surprised to learn that the yacht is somewhat heavily armed. On the forward deck you will see something wrapped in canvas.

Last year, however, at Fidenae, it was better. We had a travesty of the taking of Troy, which was eminently ludicrous, and which deserves a better description than I can give. Troy was a space inclosed within paper barriers, about breast-high, painted "to present a wall," and within these were the Trojans, clad in red, and all wearing gigantic paper helmets.

It was there, from a stone bench carved in the wall, that the high-born dames of the period watched the knights urge their iron-barbed steeds against one another, and the lances come down on the helmets and snap, and the men fall to the ground.

Except for Miss Browne and the captain, I had received on coming aboard only the most blurred impression of my fellow-voyagers. I remembered them merely as a composite of khaki and cork helmets and astounded staring faces. But I felt that as the abetters of Miss Browne a hostile and sinister atmosphere enveloped them all.