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"He certainly meant to be home for dinner," she said several times, with increasing peevishness. "I am going to have dinner here!" said Laura, smiling. "Why?" said Augustina, astonished. "Oh! let me, dear. Mr. Helbeck is sure to be late. And Sister Rosa will look after him. Teaching Fricka has made me as hungry as that!" and she opened her hands wide, as a child measures.

To the modern Catholic, religion is less than ever a life to be lived, a distinct type to be created; it is increasingly recognised merely as a creed to be believed. Helbeck of Bannisdale you could pick out of a crowd, but a congregation at the Oratory or Farm Street differs in nothing from one at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, or the smartest Congregational chapel.

I believe he got the expression from some book he was reading," said Helbeck, with the good-humoured smile of one who does not himself indulge in the fineries of language.... "When we came home I borrowed a couple of pictures for him from a friend in Lancashire, who has good things.

Wilfred Ward, I have asked leave to print as a piece of independent criticism: On Sunday I read Helbeck of Bannisdale, and I confess that the book moved me a great deal. It is her best book. It is a true tragedy, because the crash is inevitable. This is not so easy to effect in Art as many suppose. There are very few characters and situations which lead to inevitable crashes.

But dig all over the world dig everywhere lay it all bare. Then you may ask me to listen to you!" The little round-faced priest looked round the table for support. Laura bit her lip and bent over her plate. Father Leadham turned hastily to Helbeck, and began to discuss with him a recent monograph on the Roman Wall, showing a plentiful and scholarly knowledge of the subject.

There was a silence. Laura held her head as high as ever. She was, in fact, in a fever of contradiction and resentment, and the interference of people like Mrs. Denton and the Sisters was fast bringing about Mason's forgiveness. Naturally, she was likely to hear the worst of him in that house. What Helbeck, or what dependent on a Helbeck, would give him the benefit of any doubt?

As she did not come back to us, we thought that she was tired and had gone straight to bed. But now I have been to see. Miss Fountain is not in her room." Helbeck stopped short. "Not in her room! And she went out between four and five o'clock!" "She told us she was going for some flowers to the otter cliff," said Sister Rosa, with cheeks that were rapidly blanching.

"Laura!" cried a strong voice. And, with a spring, Helbeck was beside her, capturing both her cold hands in one of his, a mingled tenderness and wrath flashing from him before which she shrank. But though she drew away from him her small face so white below the broad black hat! she was not quelled.

Fountain had often been told that an inn, a respectable inn, required a trunk as well as a person. And Laura had not even a bag positively not a hand-bag. A reflection which was the starting-point of a hundred new alarms, under which poor Mrs. Fountain tossed till the morning. Meanwhile Helbeck went to his study.

"I must be turning back. A dreary day for anyone coming fresh to these parts!" So saying, Mr. Helbeck stood still both hands resting on his thick stick while his gaze slowly swept the straight white road in front of him and the landscape to either side.