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"I know that, Peggy, an' be the same token, I want no fortune at all wid you but yourself, darlin'. In the mane time, to show you that I could get a fortune Dhera Lorha Heena, I could have a wife wid a hundre an' twenty guineas!" Peggy received this intelligence much in the same manner as Larry and Sheelah had received it. Her mirth was absolutely boisterous for at least ten minutes.

"Dhar a Lhora Heena, she's as mad I believe as ould Fardorougha himself," said the mother; "worse! why, she has parted wid all the reasing she ever had." "Indeed, mother, I hope I have not, and that my reason's as clear as ever; but, as to Connor O'Donovan, he's innocent of that charge, and of every other that may be brought against him; I don't believe it, and I never will."

"Ho dher a Ihora heena," exclaimed the mother, "I'm the boy for one that will see the buckle crossed against them, or I'd die every day this twelve months upon the top and tail o' Knockmany, through wind an' weather.

Dher a larna heena , he did; for it was above the bridge we first seen him: jist for all the world the Lord be about us as Antony and me war coming out on the road at the bridge, there he was standing a headless man, all black, without face or eyes upon him and then we left the coffin and cut acrass the fields home." * My soul to God and the Virgin.