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"I would help you if I could," she said. "But I was in poor health at the time; and I was staying with friends far away in Scotland, to try change of air. The news of my father's death brought on a relapse. Weeks passed before I was strong enough to travel weeks and weeks before I saw his grave! I can only tell you what I know from my aunt. He died of heart-complaint." Miss Jethro started.

Whenever I die, Lucy, my persuasion is that it will not be of heart-complaint. I may be stung, I may seem to droop for a time, but no pain or malady of sentiment has yet gone through my whole system. You have always seen me cheerful at home?" "Generally." "I am glad she laughed at my mother. I would not give the old lady for a dozen beauties. That sneer did me all the good in the world.

The poor lady was suffering, and had for years been suffering, from heart-complaint. To her husband she had never said a word on the subject. To Mrs Draper a word had been said now and again, a word when some moment of fear would come, when some sharp stroke of agony would tell of danger.

Simon nodded; he didn't care who knew it. Since his sister's marriage to the millionaire philanthropist, Simon had found life appallingly dull; how could he have found interest in the passing years without his heart-complaint?

Dagger's opinion, that though Kalliope's constitution needed only quiet and rest entirely to shake off the effects of the overstrain of that terrible half-year, yet that renewed agitation would probably entail chronic heart-complaint; and she insisted that without making any sign the lover should go out of reach for several months, making, for instance, the expedition to Norway of which he had been talking.

'Dr Nan was telling me about a patient of hers who thought she had heart-complaint, till Nan made her take off her corsets, stopped her coffee and dancing all night, and made her eat, sleep, walk, and live regularly for a time; and now she's a brilliant cure. Common sense versus custom, Nan said. 'I've had no headaches since I came here, and can do twice as much studying as I did at home.

He gave the promise. "I want to know one thing, first," Miss Jethro proceeded. "Did she tell you as she once told me that her father had died of heart-complaint?" "Yes." "Did you put any questions to her?" "I asked how long ago it was." "And she told you?" "She told me." "You wish to know, Doctor Allday, what discoveries Miss Emily may yet make, among her aunt's papers.

And as for that woman, it's ten thousand pities that she should have died before she heard it. Talk of heart-complaint; she'd have had a touch of heart-complaint if she had known this!" Then, as he was speculating how Mrs Arabin could have become possessed of the cheque, he went to sleep.

She is a dreadful bore, for she lives in such terror of dropping dead with her heart-complaint that she doesn't take any pleasure in life herself or let any one else; so the sooner she goes the better for all of us," said Polly, in a desperate tone; for things looked very black to her just then.

"It's true," he said. "It's quite true. She's dead. There's no doubt about that. She's dead. It was last night about seven. That was when they found her, at least, and she may have died about an hour before. Filgrave says not more than an hour." "And how did she die?" "Heart-complaint. She was standing up, taking hold of the bedstead, and so they found her."