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Some man who has built B'anch Banks or 'ailway stations. That's if you think it pleases God.... B'eak young Venable's hea't.... Only why should you not let me make a place fo' you' message? Why shouldn't it be me? You must have a place. You've got 'to p'each somewhe'." "As a man, not as a priest." "Then p'each as a man. You must still wea' something." "Just ordinary clothes."

I's gwine ter Bladen County, whar my plantation is, en whar I raises all my hosses. "'But how is I gwine ter git ter Mis' Laura's plantation down in Robeson County? sez Becky, wid her hea't in her mouf, fer she 'mence' ter git skeered all er a sudden. "'You ain' gwine ter git dere at all, sez de man. 'You b'longs ter me now, fer I done traded my bes' race hoss fer you, wid yo' ole marster.

I 'ain't nevah read anotheh book except the Bible and Mistah Shakespeah's poems, an' Mistah Pluta'ch's Lives of Great Men. I know them by hea't. I don't know whe' she got them o' whe' she came from. She was different from othah mountain women. I've been No'th six weeks, and I've tried ha'd to find a place whah I could fit in, but th' ain't none. Men must be trained fuh wo'k; I ain't trained.

It wuz a easy face ter 'member; an' I swo' den, 'way down deep in my hea't, little ez I wuz, dat some day er 'nother I'd kill dat man. I ain't never had no doubt erbout it; it's jus' w'at I'm livin' fer, an' I know I ain' gwine ter die till I've done it. Some lives fer one thing an' some fer another, but dat's my job. I ain' be'n in no has'e, fer I'm not ole yit, an' dat man is in good health.

Well, I lef' him, an' Norf I come, 'dough it jes' nigh broke my hea't, fu' I sho did love dat black man. De las' thing I hyeahed o' him, he had des learned to read an' write an' wah runnin' fu' de Legislater 'twell de Klu Klux got aftah him; den I think he 'signed de nomernation." This was Martha's story, and the reason that there was no Mr.

"Bless its 'ittle hea't!" exclaimed Mammy Jane, as she held up the tiny mite, which bore as much resemblance to mature humanity as might be expected of an infant which had for only a few minutes drawn the breath of life. "Bless its 'ittle hea't! it's de we'y spit an' image er its pappy!" The doctor smiled. The major laughed aloud.

Oh, hol' me, honey, hol' me, er I'll laf myse'f ter def. I ain' nebber laf' so much sence I be'n bawn. "'Wat you laffin' at, Hot-Foot? "'Yah, yah, yah! Wat I laffin' at? W'y, I's laffin' at myse'f, tooby sho', laffin' ter think w'at a fine 'oman I made. "Chloe tu'nt pale, en her hea't come up in her mouf.

Anyhow, I don't believe their baby is no sich healthy lookin' chile as this one is, bress his little hea't! 'Cause I knows Matilda Benson nevah was any too strong." She was right; Matilda Benson was not so strong. The doctor went oftener to Ike's house than he had gone to Jim's, and three or four days after an undertaker went in.

En sometimes, w'en night would come, de niggers useter heah him howlin' en howlin' down dere, des fittin' ter break his hea't. En den some mo' un 'em said dey seed Mahaly's ha'nt dere 'bun'ance er times, colloguin' wid dis gray wolf.

"But, look hyeah, Missy, dem Lousiany people, dey bad an' dey hoodoo folks, an' dey Cath'lics " "Eliza!" "'Scuse me, Missy, chile, bless yo' hea't, you know I do' mean no ha'm to you. But somehow I do' feel right in my hea't 'bout Brothah Simon." "Never mind, Eliza, it is only evil that needs to be watched, the good will take care of itself."