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"Haw-haw-haw-w!" laughed Big Medicine suddenly. "It'd sure be worth the price, jest to ride up and watch you two marks down on all fours weedin' onions." He laughed again with his big, bull-like bellow. "We don't have to do anything like that if we don't want to," put in Andy Green calmly. "I've been reading up on the law. There's one little joker in it I've got by heart.

Ma-aa-a-a!" jeered Big Medicine. "You'll wisht, by cripes, you was a dozen men just like yuh before you're through with the deal. Haw-haw-haw-w!" There were others who, seeing Andy's grin, had something to say upon the subject before they left. Weary rode up, and looked undecidedly from Andy to the sheep, and back again. "If you don't feel like tackling it single-handed, I'll send "

Haw-haw-haw-w! You'll come in tonight blattin' if yuh don't stay out on the range tryin' t' eat grass, by cripes! Andy had a little lamb that follered him around " "Better let Bud take that herdin' job, Weary," Andy suggested. "It won't hurt him he's blattin' already." "If you think you're liable to need somebody along," Weary began, soft-heartedly relenting, "why, I guess "

If they came out here with their herd of pilgrims and found the land all took up " Andy smiled hypnotically upon the goggling group. "Haw-haw-haw-w!" bawled Big Medicine. "It'd be wuth it, by cripes!" "Yeah it would, all right. If that talk Andy's been giving us is straight, about grazing the land instead uh working it " "You can mighty quick find out," Andy retorted.