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'If you hadn't been so mighty particular about the sum, I should have begun to tell you before. Sparsit? 'I have already had the honour 'Very well. And this young man, Bitzer, you saw him too on the same occasion? Mr. Harthouse inclined his head in assent, and Bitzer knuckled his forehead. 'Very well. They live at the Bank. You know they live at the Bank, perhaps? Very well.

He took to biting the rosebuds now, and tearing them away from his teeth with a hand that trembled like an infirm old man's. After one exceedingly observant look at him, his companion relapsed into his lightest air. 'Tom, you are inconsiderate: you expect too much of your sister. You have had money of her, you dog, you know you have. 'Well, Mr. Harthouse, I know I have. How else was I to get it?

Louisa turned her eyes to his face, and asked him what fault was that? 'Perhaps, he returned, 'I have said enough. Perhaps it would have been better, on the whole, if no allusion to it had escaped me. 'You alarm me, Mr. Harthouse. Pray let me know it.

So strange to have lived to his time of life, and yet to be beginning like a boy this summer morning! With these musings in his mind, and his bundle under his arm, Stephen took his attentive face along the high road. And the trees arched over him, whispering that he left a true and loving heart behind. MR. JAMES HARTHOUSE, 'going in' for his adopted party, soon began to score.

Harthouse was soon idly gay on indifferent subjects. But from this day, the Sparsit action upon Mr. Bounderby threw Louisa and James Harthouse more together, and strengthened the dangerous alienation from her husband and confidence against him with another, into which she had fallen by degrees so fine that she could not retrace them if she tried.

'So, whether I am waiting for a hostile message, or an assignation, or a penitent remonstrance, or an impromptu wrestle with my friend Bounderby in the Lancashire manner which would seem as likely as anything else in the present state of affairs I'll dine, said Mr. James Harthouse.

She can shut herself up within herself, and think as I have often known her sit and watch the fire for an hour at a stretch. 'Ay, ay? Has resources of her own, said Harthouse, smoking quietly. 'Not so much of that as you may suppose, returned Tom; 'for our governor had her crammed with all sorts of dry bones and sawdust. It's his system.

Tom Gradgrind, junior, brought up under a continuous system of restraint, was a hypocrite, a thief, and, to Mr. James Harthouse, a whelp. Yet the visitor saw at once that the whelp was the only creature Mrs. Bounderby cared for, and it occurred to him, as time went on, that to win Mrs. Mr. Bounderby was proud to have Mr.

The moral sort of fellows might suppose that Mr. James Harthouse derived some comfortable reflections afterwards, from this prompt retreat, as one of his few actions that made any amends for anything, and as a token to himself that he had escaped the climax of a very bad business. But it was not so, at all.

Harthouse, I hope you have had about a dose of old Bounderby to-night. Tom said this with one eye shut up again, and looking over his glass knowingly, at his entertainer. 'A very good fellow indeed! returned Mr. James Harthouse. 'You think so, don't you? said Tom. And shut up his eye again. Mr.