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His shirt front, if hard-boiled, is as cold and clammy as a morgue slab when first he puts it on; but as hot and sticky as a priming of fresh glue after he has worn it for half an hour in an overheated room and all public rooms in America are overheated.

At eight o'clock I buckled on my canvas gaiters, thrust some crusts of bread, a lemon, a small flask of cold tea, four hard-boiled eggs, and a few meat lozenges into my pocket, bade good-by to my friend, and set off. Rather to our surprise, the two Cossacks and one of the Kurds came with me, whether persuaded by a pantomime of encouraging signs, or simply curious to see what would happen.

His hand-baggage was most "refined." I had noticed him looking my way at intervals, and wondered if he craved a hard-boiled egg; I could easily have spared him one! While I am certainly not in the habit of seeking conversation with strange gentlemen, there are always exceptions to everything, and I concluded that this was one. I smiled!

Baste often with the sauce. Serve the turkey with the dressing. Garnish with boiled beets sliced thin. Neapolitan Salad. Cut cold chicken or turkey in small dice pieces; add some cold potatoes, beets and celery, cut fine; sprinkle with chopped hard-boiled eggs, salt and pepper. Line the salad bowl with lettuce leaves; add the salad. Cover with a French mayonnaise dressing.

Then look at the lady auctioneer selling brass sovereigns a penny apiece. "Buy one, gentlemen, and see what they're like, so as the 'bookies' can't pawse 'em on ye unawares!" "Food enough!" Yes, at Margett's, Patton's, Hatton's, and "The Three Brooms," as well as the barrows for stewed eels, hard-boiled eggs, trotters, coker-nuts, winkles, oysters, cockles, and all the luxuries of the New Cut.

Make a pint of drawn butter, add one tablespoonful of pepper sauce or Worcestershire sauce, a little salt and six hard-boiled eggs chopped fine. Pour over boiled fish and garnish with sliced lemon. Very nice. FISH SAUCE. No. 2. Half a cupful of melted butter, half a cupful of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of tomato catsup, salt, and a tablespoonful of made mustard. Boil ten minutes.

"Kain't buy 'em cheap enough, no more, huh? Gotta ketch 'em yourself, huh?" "Hard-boiled old crab, aren't you, Doug?" Gower rumbled in his deep voice. But he laughed. And he rowed away to the beach before his house. MacRae watched. Betty came down to meet him. Together they hauled the heavy rowboat out on skids, above the tide mark.

He had never been on the ocean before and he said it agreed with him. I thought so! I never saw a man eat so much in my life. Beef mutton pork he swallowed them all like a shark and between meals he was often discovered behind barrels eating hard-boiled eggs. The result was that when we reached Melbourne this infamous skeleton weighed 64 pounds more than I did!

Muriel Gay was a good actress, and as good a Western lead as they could produce; and you know how she stacked up alongside you. You're in a class by yourself, Jean. You want to keep that in mind. They aren't just trying to be nice to you; it's hard-boiled business with the Great Western. You're going awfully strong with the public.

When cool, tear them apart, and cover with a plain salad dressing; let stand for two hours. Half fill a salad-bowl with crisp lettuce leaves; drain the fish and add it to the lettuce; add mayonnaise; garnish with lemon-peel rings, hard-boiled eggs, etc., and serve. CORN SALAD, OR FETTICUS. Carefully pick over two quarts of fetticus; reject all damaged leaves; wash, and dry in a napkin.