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The inside of his head must be like that salad-bowl which we have reduced to emptiness in which Papias discovered three sorts of fish, brown and white meat, oysters and five other substances." "And who can deny," added Papias, "that if talent is the father, and meat the mother of all productiveness, practice must be the artist's teacher!

OYSTER SALAD. Boil two dozen small oysters for five minutes in water enough to cover them; add a little salt and a tablespoonful of vinegar; drain and cool. Put into a salad-bowl the centre leaves of two heads of cabbage lettuce, add the oysters whole, pour over them a mayonnaise; garnish with oyster-crabs, hard-boiled eggs, and, if liked, a few anchovies cut into fillets.

The grocer's daughter declared she had met her one evening, at a dancing-hall, seated with a fireman before a salad-bowl full of wine, prepared in the French fashion. During the day Combarieu, although a red-hot Republican, sent his little girl to the Sisters; but he went out every evening with a mysterious air and left the child alone.

Among the salad that comes from your garden a bitter leaf will now and then make its way into your salad-bowl. Alas, there were so many bitter leaves ever making their way into her bowl! "What I mean is, Josiah, that no long explanation will be needed. I think, from what I remember of him, that he would do for us anything that he could do."

Madame Putois could do more than that, she would take a coss lettuce and munch it up with some salt just as it was without separating the leaves. They could all have lived on salad, would have treated themselves to tubfuls. And, this conversation aiding, the ladies cleaned out the salad-bowl. "I could go on all fours in a meadow," observed the concierge with her mouth full.

The grocer's daughter declared she had met her one evening, at a dancing- hall, seated with a fireman before a salad-bowl full of wine, prepared in the French fashion. During the day Combarieu, although a red-hot Republican, sent his little girl to the Sisters; but he went out every evening with a mysterious air and left the child alone.

After the salad-bowl, the two men picked up five of the weighty glasses ordinarily used in wine-shops, and which, while looking as though they would contain half a bottle, are in point of fact so thick at the bottom that they hold next to nothing. Three of these glasses were broken, two were whole. All of them had contained wine the same vin a la Frangaise.

Cut each piece into strips, put them into a salad-bowl, add a plain mayonnaise, and serve. CHERRY SALAD. Remove the stones from a quart of fine, black ox-heart cherries. Place them into a compote, dust powdered sugar over them, and add half a wineglassful each of sherry and curaçoa. Just before serving mix lightly.

Half fill a salad-bowl with lettuce; add the fish, and garnish with hard-boiled eggs, stoned olives, and a few spiced oysters. No. 2. Put into a salad-bowl three stalks of celery, sliced; add half a pound of canned salmon; arrange neatly; add mayonnaise; garnish and serve. No. 3.

Take six pieces of potted eels about two inches long; remove the bone; break the eels into neat pieces, and arrange them on the endive; add a mayonnaise, garnish, and serve. EGG SALAD. Put into a salad-bowl the small crisp leaves of a head of lettuce; add four hard-boiled eggs sliced. Mince a dozen capers; sprinkle over the eggs, and add a plain dressing.