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She had caught sight of his bedroom as she had passed through the passage. She believed herself capable and willing to sit by his sick- bed and nurse him. She did not as a rule care for sick people, but she thought she would like to nurse him. The hansom turned through the Chelsea streets getting nearer and nearer to the studio.

'No, I don't think so. 'He stared, Vida. He certainly stared very hard. Still she hesitated, clinging to the friendly shelter of the hansom. 'Oh, come on! He only stared because He took you for a Suffragette! But the indiscretion lit so angry a light in the lady's eye, that Vida was fain to add, 'No, no, do come and I'll tell you what he was really looking at. 'What? said Mrs.

At the same moment a hansom halted at the curb-stone, and one of the figures floated down to it in a haze of evening draperies; while the other, black and bulky, remained persistently projected against the light.

At Twenty-sixth Street he had struck into Madison Avenue, and was striding onward with the fixed eye and aimless haste of the man who has empty hours to fill, when a hansom drew up ahead of him and Justine Brent sprang out. She was trimly dressed, as if for travel, with a small bag in her hand; but at sight of him she paused with a cry of pleasure. "Oh, Mr. Amherst, I'm so glad!

One foggy November night, Lucian, returning from the theatre, shortly after eleven o'clock, dismissed his hansom at the entrance to the square and walked thereinto through the thick mist, trusting to find his way home by reason of two years' familiarity with the precincts.

Fortunately, Thornaby House is almost at the end of my street that was; and it seemed to me another fortunate circumstance that the house stood back, as it did and does, in its own August courtyard; for, as I was about to knock, a hansom came twinkling in behind me, and I drew back, hoping it was Raffles at the last moment.

A policeman who was standing by touched his hat and addressed him. "Were you looking for that taxi you stepped out of a few minutes ago, sir?" he asked. "I was," Laverick answered. "I hadn't paid him and I told him to wait." "I thought there was something queer about it," the policeman remarked. "Soon after you had gone inside, two gentlemen drove up in a hansom.

He was in pain: for all that, the moment seemed amusing. "We are followed, I assure you," Lanyard replied gravely. "One man or two I don't know how many in a town-car." "But you are sure?" "All we could get was a hansom drawn by a snail.

Then he went to his home, but he could not think of sleep. He ordered breakfast, but he could not eat. He paced the library for a time, but it was too small. Going on the streets he walked until exhausted, then he called a hansom and was driven to his club.

Nothing moved there but a bird or two hopping and twittering; but beyond the hedge and railings, in the road outside the garden gate, a hansom cab was waiting, with the yellow Gladstone bag on top of it. The Garden of the God Diana Duke seemed inexplicably irritated at the abrupt entrance and utterance of the other girl.