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Bert wheeled his cart up to the front door and began carrying in the things. Whilst thus engaged he noticed Philpot peeping cautiously over the banisters of the staircase, and called out to him: 'Give us a hand with this bucket of whitewash, will yer, Joe? 'Certainly, me son, with the greatest of hagony, replied Philpot as he hurried down the stairs.

'eavens, this is hagony!" he groaned, jumping up and stamping, while Dikkop almost fell off his horse with laughing. To hide his mirth he bolted off in pursuit of Jerry's charger, which he soon caught and brought back, looking supernaturally grave. "We will rejoin the 'unters, Dikkop," said Jerry, in the tone of a man who endeavours to conceal his sufferings. "Ja, Mynheer," said Dikkop.

Suffis to say, that now I dixcovered what basins was made for that for many, many hours, I lay in a hagony of exostion, dead to all intense and porpuses, the rain pattering in my face, the salers tramplink over my body the panes of purgatory going on inside. "Well," says I, gurgling out a faint "yes, what's the matter?" "You're wanted." "Where?" "Your master's wery ill," says he, with a grin.

I ain't struck on dyin' afore my time, and I don't know as I'm greatly struck on livin', but, whichever it is, you got ter make the best on it. I woulden mind stoppin' a bullet fair an' square; but I woulden like one of them 'orrible lingerin' deaths. "Died o' wounds" arter six munfs' mortal hagony that's wot gets at me. Git it over an' done wiv, I sez. Ow, chuck it, Bill.

The hall was a regular puddle: wet dabs of dishclouts flapped in your face; soapy smoking bits of flanning went nigh to choke you; and while you were looking up to prevent hanging yourself with the ropes which were strung across and about, slap came the hedge of a pail against your shins, till one was like to be drove mad with hagony.