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They turn right round and face the other way when God is explaining things to them, when He is persuading them, when He is trying to help them. Then they glance back over their shoulders and say, 'Aw, gwan! I know better than you. Think of the impudence of them! That's what many a man does with God. With GOD, mind you!

"I see," says I. "She's one of the discards, eh?" Sort of jolts him, that does. "Eh?" says he. "A discard? No, no! I er I suppose, if I must confess, Torchy, that I am one of hers." "Gwan!" says I. "You? Look like a discard, don't you? Tush, tush!" The idea of him tryin' to feed that to me!

"I don't know that I care to hear him," replied Richling. "Goin' to be a gwan' out-po'-ing, Mistoo Itchlin. Citizens of Noo 'Leans without the leas' 'espec' faw fawmeh polly-tickle diff'ence. Also fiah-works. 'Come one, come all, as says the gweat Scott includin' yo'seff, Mistoo Itchlin. No? Well, au 'evoi', Mistoo Itchlin." The political pot began to seethe.

I'se had enough o' dis comin' inter my galley. Gwan, now! Is you de man dat's all time stealin' my coffee? I'll gib you coffee, you trash! Take dat!" Captain Swarth reached the galley door in time to receive on the left side of his face a generous share of a pot of scalding coffee. It brought an involuntary shriek of agony from him; then he clung to the galley-lashings and spoke his mind.

Luck retorted, reaching for his clothes as his small ebullition subsided to a misleading composure. "Storm's here at last, and we'll have to be moving. Roll out and saddle your ridge-runners; Annie's got breakfast all ready for us." "Aw, gwan!" grumbled Happy Jack from sheer force of habit, and made haste to hit the floor with his feet before Luck replied to that apparent doubt of his authority.

"Don't call us liars to our faces, Happy," Weary reproved. "We told yuh, a dozen times, that we saw him ourselves. Yuh might be polite enough to take our word for it." "Aw, gwan!" Happy Jack grunted, still not quite sure of how much or how little they knew. While they discussed further the wild man, he watched furtively for the surreptitious lowering of lids that would betray their insincerity.

The Savannah negro here gave utterance to a loud, contemptuous laugh, and began to fumble somewhat ostentatiously with a big brass watch-chain. "But I speck I struck up wid a payin' job las' Chuseday," continued Uncle Remus, in a hopeful tone. "Wey you gwan do?" "Oh, I'm a waitin' on a culled gemmun fum Savannah wunner deze yer high livers you bin tellin' 'bout." "How dat?"

No wonder Eggy is some agitated, after bein' hauled down two flights in that fashion! "Well," says I, as Swifty stands him up in front of us. "Who are your outside friends, and why?" "My my friends?" says he. "I I don't understand. And I must protest, you know, against this manner of " "Gwan!" says I. "I'm doin' all the protestin' here.

"But but I forgot myself." "Ah, cheer up," says I. "Veronica's a good sport. She wouldn't mind if you let slip a cussword." "Oh, you don't understand," says Dudley, wringin' his hands. "Really, I have done something awful!" "Come, come!" says I. "Let's have it, then." "Believe me," says he, "I was carried away, quite intoxicated." "Gwan!" says I. "Where'd you get the stuff?"

"I dunno what yuh want to pester a feller to death for and say! Take that string off'n that cat!" "Aw gwan! It ain't hurting the cat. She likes it." He lifted the kitten and squeezed her till she yowled. "See? She said yes, she likes it." The Old Man returned to the trials of the Happy Family, and the Kid sat and listened, with the brindle kitten snuggled uncomfortably, head downward in his arms.