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Captain Len Guy’s intention was to take the Sandwich Isles for his point of departure towards the south, after having made acquaintance with New Georgia, distant eight hundred miles from the Falklands. Thus the schooner would be in longitude on the route of the Jane.

My brother my brother!” “He is living! He is living!” shouted Dirk Peters. A moment later, the boat had touched the beach, and Captain Len Guy held his brother in his arms. Three of William Guy’s companions lay apparently lifeless in the bottom of the boat. And these four men were all that remained of the crew of the Jane.

His narrative was founded upon the manuscript in which the details of that extraordinary and disastrous voyage across the Antarctic Sea was related.” I thought I must be dreaming when I heard Captain Len Guy’s words. Edgar Poe’s romance was nothing but a fiction, a work of imagination by the most brilliant of our American writers. And here was a sane man treating that fiction as a reality.

We had now to ascertain whether any of those who were on the deck at the time of the catastrophe had been thrown over the bulwarks and precipitated, into the sea? By Captain Len Guy’s orders all the sailors then present joined the group in which I stood with the mate, the boatswain, Hardy and Martin Holt.

Three weeks were employed in chasing sea-calves; these furnished the Jane with a goodly cargo. It was during this time that the captain of the Jane buried the bottle in which his namesake of the Halbrane claimed to have found a letter containing William Guy’s announcement of his intention to visit the austral seas.

That is just what the Halbrane is certainly going to attempt, so soon as she is ready, for her captain, Len Guy, is William Guy’s own brother.” “Is it possible? Well, although I do not know Captain Len Guy, I venture to assert that the brothers do not resemble each other at least in their behaviour to the Governor of Tristan d’Acunha!”

Because William Guy, who can only have had a small craft at his disposal, could not have got so far into these seas.” “I do not feel quite so sure of that. Nevertheless, Mr. Jeorling ” “What would there be so surprising in William Guy’s being carried to land somewhere by the action of the currents? He did not remain on board his boat for eight months, I suppose.

I did not think proper to add that Glass had been much surprised at Captain Guy’s abstaining from visiting him, as, in his absurd vanity, he held the commander of the Halbrane bound to do, nor that he did not consider the Governor of Tristan d’Acunha bound to take the initiative. “I wish to ask you, Mr.

The collision had been so violent as to stave in some of the planks of her hull. After the first collision, the galley situated before the fore-mast had broken its fastenings. The door between Captain Len Guy’s and the mate’s cabins was torn away from the hinges.