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He had always been regarded with fear in his own household, and the very sound of his voice now became a terror. His food was taken to him in the room he had made his habitation, and it was remarked that, though simple before in his gustatory tastes, he now possibly owing to the sedentary life he led became fastidious, insisting on recherché bits.

In literature the expressiveness of images is perhaps even more impressive. Consider how longing is aroused by the tactile, gustatory, and thermal images in the oft-quoted lines of Keats: O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth. Examples might be multiplied indefinitely.

Undoubtedly those who fight the liquor traffic on purely moral grounds are a small minority in the mountains. But the blockaders themselves are glad to see prohibitory laws enforced to the letter, so far as saloons and registered distilleries are concerned, and the drinking public prefer their native product from both patriotic and gustatory motives. Such a combination is irresistible.

There were chiefs, such as Tanoa, Tuiveikoso, and Tuikilakila, who had literally eaten hundreds of their fellow men. But among these gluttons Ra Undreundre ranked highest. Ra Undreundre lived at Takiraki. He kept a register of his gustatory exploits. A row of stones outside his house marked the bodies he had eaten.

Toward the back of the tongue two rows of these, larger than the others, converge to meet at an angle, where is located a papilla of exceptional size. These are called, from their shape, taste buds, and each bud contains a central cavity which communicates with the surface by a small openingthe gustatory pore.

She looked at him merely with a great wistfulness, but he knew it to be the wistfulness of an equally great hunger. He was the food, and the sight of him excited in her the gustatory sensations. Her mouth opened, the saliva drooled forth, and she licked her chops with the pleasure of anticipation. A spasm of fear went through him. He reached hastily for a brand to throw at her.

Similarly, the projection of an ocular impression due to retinal disturbance into the external field of vision, may rightly be named an hallucination. But the case is not always so clear as this. Thus, for example, when a gustatory sensation is the result of an altered condition of the saliva, it may be said that the error is as much an illusion as an hallucination.

It has, the white truffle, I mean, not the ambrosia, which I have never tasted, it has a shadow of a shade of mitigated garlic flavor, which demands time and a certain training of the gustatory apparatus, to be fully appreciated. Try again, and it will grow upon you, again and again, and you will go crazy after the white truffle.

But he could not be altogether dumb. That, people said, would never happen to Josiah Pease while he was above ground. "That his girl?" he asked, indicating Rosie with his knife, in a gustatory pause. "Whose?" inquired Amelia willfully. "His." He pointed again, this time to the back room, where Enoch was still washing his hands. "Yes." "Mother dead?"

They become transformed at once into visual, instead of into olfactory or gustatory percepts. That is to say, the dreamer does not imagine himself smelling or tasting, but seeing an object. The contact of objects with the tactual organ is one of the best recognized causes of dreams.