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To you, to him, as well as to all your children he sends his loving thoughts and greetings.... P.S. At the Guardian’s instruction I am mailing to your address a copy of theBahá’í Worldvol. III, as to is not certain whether you or any of the German friends has seen this latest issue of the Year book....

You may be sure the Guardian’s loving prayers surround you all and sustain you in your labours for the Cause.... Dearly-beloved Friends: Your joint and most welcome letter brought indescribable joy to my heart.

With the Guardian’s greetings and best wishes to you and all the friends,... May the Almighty protect, bless and sustain you in the historic services you are rendering His Faith, and graciously assist you to lay a firm and unassailable foundation for the future progress and extension of the newly-born institutions of our glorious Faith in your land. Shoghi 5 March 1935 Dear Dr. Mühlschlegel,

Graham took her camp-stool and drawing materials; and having begged Miss Millward to take charge of her precious son, and strictly enjoined him not to wander from his new guardian’s side, she left us and proceeded along the steep, stony hill, to a loftier, more precipitous eminence at some distance, whence a still finer prospect was to be had, where she preferred taking her sketch, though some of the ladies told her it was a frightful place, and advised her not to attempt it.

The Guardian’s hope is that the German N.S.A. will, as in the last few years, continue extending to that school the moral as well as the financial assistance which it needs for its further expansion, and for a still wider and more effective penetration of its influence in every Bahá’í center throughout Europe.

The Guardian’s anguish, because of this tragic occurrence, is such that it can neither be plumbed nor described in words.

Dear Bahá’í Sister: Enclosed is the beloved Guardian’s Convention Message, which you will be so kind as to deliver to the Chairman of the National Convention to be read to and shared with the friends. This letter, in order to save time is being mailed by a returning pilgrim, from Rome.... P.S.—Will you please acknowledge receipt of this letter by cable to the Guardian. 18 April 1957 19 April 1957

The Guardian sends messages of consolation to you and all the friends in this bereavement, and he says that in this calamitous time all must bow down their heads and be acquiescent, arise in faithful service to His Cause, and model themselves upon that most exalted, sacred and resplendent presence. 16: The Guardian’s anguish, because of this ...

From the fact that there is no equality of functions between the sexes one should not, however, infer that either sex is inherently superior or inferior to the other, or that they are unequal in their rights. Extracts From Letters Written by the Universal House of Justice: 29: It is apparent from the Guardian’s writings that where Bahá’u’lláh...

At the Guardian’s direction, I am endeavoring to correlate all contributions and funds, so we may know the total amount available. In order to help clarify this matter, will you please send me a statement of the funds which are available in Zurich, and in Germany, if any, giving a list of the contributions which have been received.