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So the rani del the Rommany chal a sonnakai ora an' a fino gry. But yeck koshter that poggers a hev doesn't muller a juckal. So the lady gave the Gipsy a gold watch and a good horse. But every stick that breaks a window does not kill a dog.

I tell you what, my gry, whilst you continue with me, you shall both be better shod, and better fed, than you were with your last master." I am in the dingle making a petul; and I must here observe, that whilst I am making a horse-shoe, the reader need not be surprised if I speak occasionally in the language of the lord of the horse-shoe Mr. Petulengro.

At the end of four days, during which I had fashioned and refashioned the thing at least fifty times, I had made a petul such as no master of the craft need have been ashamed of; with the second shoe I had less difficulty, and, by the time I had made the fourth, I would have scorned to take off my hat to the best smith in Cheshire. But I had not yet shod my little gry; this I proceeded now to do.

Then the mother roared out, very angry, "Devil is the name of your sweetheart, and he is black enough." If you cheat old women you will catch the devil. Yeckorus a mush chored a gry and jalled him avree adree a waver tem, and the gry and the mush jalled kushti bak kettenus. Once a man stole a horse and ran him away into another country, and the horse and the man became very intimate.

"I need not be apprehensive on their account," said I to myself; "nobody will come here to meddle with them; the great recommendation of this place is its perfect solitude; I daresay that I could live here six months without seeing a single human visage. I will now harness my little gry and be off to the town."

Before mounting my gry, however, I bethought me to ask what could have induced the dead woman to make away with herself, a thing so uncommon amongst Romanies; whereupon one squinted with his eyes, a second spirted saliver into the air, and a third said that he neither knew nor cared; she was a good riddance, having more than once been nearly the ruin of them all, from the quantity of brimstone she carried about her.

I thank you kindly, brother.’ Starting up, she flung the bulrush aside which she had hitherto held in her hand, and, seizing the kettle, she looked at it for a moment, and then began a kind of dance, flourishing the kettle over her head the while, and singing‘The Rommany chi And the Rommany chal Shall jaw tasaulor To drab the bawlor, And dook the gry Of the farming rye.

'I need not be apprehensive on their account, said I to myself; 'nobody will come here to meddle with them the great recommendation of this place is its perfect solitude I daresay that I could live here six months without seeing a single human visage. I will now harness my little gry and be off to the town.

At the end of four days, during which I had fashioned and refashioned the thing at least fifty times, I had made a petul such as no master of the craft need have been ashamed of; with the second shoe I had less difficulty, and, by the time I had made the fourth, I would have scorned to take off my hat to the best smith in Cheshire. But I had not yet shod my little gry: this I proceeded now to do.

I didn't say a word, but cried on; till everybody in the street turned round and stared. "Come, come," said Stiffelkind, "do not gry, Gaptain Stobbs it is not goot for a Gaptain to gry ha! ha! Dere come vid me, and you shall have a dinner, and a bregfast too, vich shall gost you nothing, until you can bay vid your earnings."