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"But there's a 'scuse fer Boyden," chuckled Nate Burnham, the old fellow behind the stove, as he relighted his pipe, and puffed a few times to determine if it intended to burn. "There's a sort er 'scuse fer Boyden," he repeated, "fer his children have growd up, so he ain't got no use fer schools, and fellers like him don't pay fer things they ain't a usin'."

Oh, dear, how glad I am to see you, and yet how sad it makes me too! I am delighted at meetin' you so onexpected, and yet it makes me feel so old it scares me. It only seems as if it was the other day when I was at your father's house, and since then yon have growd up from a little girl into a tall handsome woman, got married, been settled, and are the mother of two children.

'Dunna kick about so! said Abel, emerging from his abstraction. 'It inna decent, now you're an 'ooman growd. 'I'm not an 'ooman growd! cried Hazel shrilly. 'I dunna want to be, and I won't never be. The pine-tops bent in the wind like attentive heads, as gods, sitting stately above, might nod thoughtfully over a human destiny.

He lives in a little cabin on a street by the wharf, and devotes his time to fishing, at which he is very expert. Upon being questioned regarding the fight, he seemed rather hazy as to dates, but was positive as to the time he first saw America: "De wah ob de rebenue was jes' clar' peace when I land at Charleston from Afriky. Was young man den, jes' growd.

You mind what Aunt Marfa say, dem 'Sesh do wid de darkies what dey wan' to in less den no time. Dey is free; I know dat; but who dey work for? Mus' dey be under de same ones what sell dem before de 'bellion? If dey is, den de 'Sesh make dem young darkies what's comin' on b'lieve anything dey wants to; and afore dey is growd up dey be helpin' de 'Sesh, and den what we do?

For more'n two years I have bin Sam Wiles' gal, and a year ago he promised to marry me. I have bin true to 'im and bin willin' to set de day any time. But lately his love for me has growd cold, and he has bin goin' with annoder gal in de hills. Yisterday dis gal and I met and had sum words, and she up and tol' me that Sam Wiles had left me for her.

At last the Gineral's ebenezer began to rise, and he got as mad as a hatter, and was intarmed to take a rise out of him. "'So, says he, 'stranger, says he, 'you talk about your Indgian corn, as if nobody else raised any but yourself. Now I'll bet you a thousand dollars, I have corn that's growd so wonderful, you can't reach the top of it a standin' on your horse.

"Tween you and me, it ain't no common trouble workin' on the pet," he said, coming close to the two and speaking low, "I've knowed her sence she was a baby, I've seen all of her putty ways, and none of her bad ways, fur she never had none; she hes growd up perfect and she allers treated the doctor dutiful, and she's got nothin' to reproach herself fur.

And she says to me, 'Pap, you shan't go one step toward that fetch-taked town unless you agree to take Sammy some pickles made outen the finest cucumbers that ever growd. And I jest said, 'You do up your pickles and don't you be askeered of me. And she begins then to fix 'em up, a-talkin' all the time fitten to kill herself.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself a growd woman like you makin' me all this nuisance. I sha'n't put up with it. You'll go packin' to the horspittle, that's what you'll do. Mark my word." Mrs. Moody's method of packing Ruth off to the hospital was unique. It consisted of running herself for the doctor.