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I bet you they done an increased business of twenty per cent. with that young feller's designs. I met Ike Gotthelf, buyer for Horowitz & Finkelbein, and he tells me he gave Sammet Brothers a two-thousand-dollar order a couple of weeks ago, including a hundred and twenty-two garments of that new-style they got out, which they call the Arverne Sacque, one of Louis Grossman's new models."

In spite of this statement, most of us must agree with Karl Grossman's observations that certainly in acute and particularly in chronic secondary glaucoma, this is a most valuable agent, especially if it is combined with holocain, which Paul Knapp in his well-known research has proved can reduce the tension even of the normal eye.

A breeze blew round me, penetrating, but silent; the fields, and the distant houses which dotted them, were asleep in the pale sunshine, undisturbed by it. The crows cawed, and flew over the eastern woods. I walked slowly. The road was deserted. Mrs. Grossman's house was the only one I must pass; its shutters were closed, and the yard was empty.

He's got us, Barney. Louis Grossman's got us and no mistake. Well, I got to go up to the cutting-room and see what he's doing now, Barney. He can spoil more piece-goods in an hour than I can buy in a week." He rose wearily to his feet and was half-way to the stairs in the rear of the store when Abe Potash entered. "Hallo, Leon!" Abe called. "Don't be in a rush. I want to talk to you."

Still south of James's Isle lie Jervis Isle, Duncan Isle, Grossman's Isle, Brattle Isle, Wood's Isle, Chatham Isle, and various lesser isles, for the most part an archipelago of aridities, without inhabitant, history, or hope of either in all time to come. But not far from these are rather notable isles Barrington, Charles's, Norfolk, and Hood's.