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She was dangerously sweet, and even went into Gay's room, where he was donning his gray-velvet studio blouse for the morning's labours. She told him she was quite sure of securing a fairly good-sized order for some window shades. Gay did not think it necessary to answer. He did not glance at her; instead he yawned and sprinkled toilet water profusely on his pink lawn handkerchief.

I remember distinctly the day when the yacht first anchored within the Point. It was a Sunday morning and Nancy and I had climbed to the top of the house to the Captain's Walk, the white-railed square on the roof which gave a view of the harbor and of the sea. Nancy was twenty-five, slim and graceful. She wore that morning a short gray-velvet coat over white linen.

It was, I am sure, those three days of Anthony's absence which turned the scale of Nancy's destiny. If he had been with us that first morning on the boat Olaf would not have dared.... Nancy wore her white linen and her gray-velvet coat, and a hat with a gull's wing. She carried her bathing suit. "He intends, evidently, to entertain us in his own way."

You never were. You lived on a dead man's reputation until you married me, and now you're living on a redheaded girl's nerve. I'll scold as shrilly as I like. If the neighbours hear, all the better!" Trudy had lost control of herself. Besides, she was very tired. "Who told you to wear gray-velvet smocks in your drawing-room shop and to have soft ties poured down softer collars?