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My friend here is a nervous man with a six-gun." Obediently Hiram dropped the mare's reins and stepped away from her head. Drummond laid the two revolvers at some distance away from them on the ground, so that, while he was searching Hiram, the latter would have no opportunity to grab one from him and turn the tables.

"Ah!" thought the old miser to himself. "I can't get all I'd like to, but if I could reach up to the prince's table I could get enough at one grab to set me up for life, and make me the richest man in St. Just parish!" Stooping down, he slowly and stealthily dragged himself nearer and nearer to the table. He felt quite sure that no one could see him.

The gentlemen applauded so enthusiastically that she gave them "Bounding Billows," "Little Bo-Peep," and other gems of song, till they were obliged to hint that they had had enough. Grateful for the praises bestowed upon her daughter, Mrs. Smith graciously announced, "Now we will have tea. Sit down carefully, and don't grab."

I can't get a good office boy any more. I can't get anybody, boy or girl, who wants to do anything but just hold down a job and grab a pay-envelope. Too much schooling! Those inventors and pioneers who came out of New England and made this country from a hunting-ground into an empire they didn't have all this monkey-business in technical schools and trade schools. They just went to work.

"Your back, David!" Mother said in a horrified voice. "Your poor back! What happened to you?" David felt himself. The back of his shirt was ripped to tatters, and there were three lines of caked blood across his shoulders. He remembered now: it was the Gryffon that had tried to grab him as he and the Phoenix made their escape. But he had promised the Phoenix to keep its secret.

"Colter, I'll not go off into the woods with just the clothes I have on my back." "Ellen, we shore got to pack all the grab we can. This shore ain't goin' to be a visit to neighbors. We're shy pack hosses. But y'u make up a bundle of belongin's y'u care for, an' the things y'u'll need bad. We'll throw it on somewhere."

My hawks used to lie on their backs and grab me by the hand every time I tried to feed them. I suppose these eagles will be worse yet." "Anyhow, we'll try them," said Rob. "Let's wrap them up in our coats and take them down to the boat."

I saw the woman jailer oh, she was the A.D., all right, who'd receive me without the slightest emotion, show me to a cell and lock the door, as calm, as little triumphant or affected, as though I hadn't once outwitted that cleverest of creatures and outwitted myself in forestalling her. I saw Mag, guess what I saw! No, truly; what I really saw? It made me jump to my feet and grab it with a squeal.

He was short and stout, with a very large red face, a broad turn-up nose, and childlike blue eyes that bespoke confidence at once. "My name is Desmond Burke, sir, and I've run away from Gheria in this grab." "The deuce you have!" "Yes, sir. I've been a prisoner there for six months and more, and we got off a few nights ago in the darkness." "H'm! Any more Irishmen aboard?"

The keen blade speedily cut through the young but tough wood, and, then Jack dragged it to the edge of the bog, and, exerting all his strength, pushed it out until the sapling was within reach of the sinking man. "Grab it, sir!" he called out, "and hold on tightly. It will keep you from sinking farther into the mire, and when you have gained more strength you may be able to pull yourself out."