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The sharp passion which moved her now as she stood before Jethro Fawe would not have been so acute yesterday; but to-day she had lain in a Gorgio's arms to-day; and though he was nothing to her, he was still a Gorgio of Gorgios; and this man before her her husband was at best but a man of the hedges and the byre and the clay-pit, the quarry and the wood; a nomad with no home, nothing that belonged to what she was now a part of organized, collective existence, the life of the house-dweller, not the life of the 'tan', the 'koppa', and the 'vellgouris' the tent, the blanket, and the fair.

It's a pity he ain't got the Romany glime, ain't it, Jim? She turned to a young Gypsy fellow who was sitting at the other end of the settle, drinking also from a pot of ale, and smoking a cutty pipe. 'Don't ax me about no mumply Gorgio's eyes, muttered the man, striking the leather legging of his right leg with a silver-headed whip he carried.

'Hal, said Sinfi, 'a Romany's feelin's ain't like a Gorgio's. A Romany can feel the bite of a sap whether it's made o' flesh an' blood or not, and the Romany Sap's all the wuss for not bein' a flesh-and-blood sap, for it's a cuss hatched in the airth; it's everythink a-cussin' on ye the airth, an' the sky, an' the dukkerin' dook.

The sharp passion which moved her now as she stood before Jethro Fawe would not have been so acute yesterday; but to-day she had lain in a Gorgio's arms to-day; and though he was nothing to her, he was still a Gorgio of Gorgios; and this man before her her husband was at best but a man of the hedges and the byre and the clay-pit, the quarry and the wood; a nomad with no home, nothing that belonged to what she was now a part of organized, collective existence, the life of the house-dweller, not the life of the 'tan', the 'koppa', and the 'vellgouris' the tent, the blanket, and the fair.

He saw in imagination the masterful Gorgio in the red-plush chair, and the negro barber bending over him, with black fingers holding the Gorgio's chin, and an open razor in the right hand lightly grasped.

Besides covering his principal, a bonnet must have his eyes about him, for the trade of the pea, though a strictly honest one, is not altogether lawful; so it is the duty of the bonnet, if he sees the constable coming, to say, the gorgio's welling." "That is not cant," said I, "that is the language of the Rommany Chals." "Do you know those people?" said the man.

"But if such a thing were to happen at present, would the cokos and pals bury the girl alive?" "I can't say what they would do," said Ursula; "I suppose they are not so strict as they were long ago; at any rate, she would be driven from the tan, and avoided by all her family and relations as a gorgio's acquaintance; so that, perhaps, at last, she would be glad if they would bury her alive."

He saw in imagination the masterful Gorgio in the red-plush chair, and the negro barber bending over him, with black fingers holding the Gorgio's chin, and an open razor in the right hand lightly grasped.

A common phrase indicating content, and equivalent to, "I would like to sit here for a week." The graias have taddered at the kas-stoggus we must jal an durer the gorgio's dicked us! The horses have been pulling at the hay-stack we must hurry away the man has seen us!

Besides covering his principal, a bonnet must have his eyes about him, for the trade of the pea, though a strictly honest one, is not altogether lawful; so it is the duty of the bonnet, if he sees the constable coming, to say, The gorgio's welling. 'That is not cant, said I, 'that is the language of the Rommany Chals. 'Do you know those people? said the man.