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Josler, the general superintendent, would say; and if you followed his accent it would take you right back to the heart of Germany: "Giff me a goot conductor, an' I git over the roat." No need to ask where he came from.

"I don't b'lieve," retorted Bounce, "that `whangskiver' is either English, Injun, French, or Yankee; but if it means killin', you'll do nothing o' the sort. Here's what we'll do. "Goot," ejaculated Gibault, pausing in his manipulation of the artist, "now you can do!" "Capital; thanks, I feel quite strong again."

He is worse than an eldest son. He will invent a bill or two next! We must cut this short. This Fraisier cannot take large views. What debt is this, my good man? Speak out." "He is off his head," Gaudissart said to himself. And a sudden pang of pity for this poor innocent before him brought a tear to the manager's eyes. "Ah! you understand, mennesir le directeur! Ver' goot.

"Fama malum," &c., &c. of Virgil, did, certainly, precede us with great velocity, but with beneficial effects; for the women came forth to meet us, and looking up in our faces, found out our eyes were beautiful, and our noses better moulded than their own, and called us handsome "Ingerleesh;" and the men, grasping us by the wrists, said we were brave and "goot Ingerleesh."

Nickie was very partial to square gin, and although the Missing Link had a proper sense of duty, the inner man was weak. "Helup vourseluf, Sharlie," said Schmitz. Nickie helped himself. He helped himself liberally. Schmitz fell on Mahdi's neck, and embraced him freely. "Mein goot friend," he gurgled, "I like you. You shplended fellow. Dot's so, sure.

And he can shoot straight!" "Hereafter I'll bring along a gun every time we come out," vowed Paul. "And I'm going to take shooting lessons." "Yah! Dot vould be a goot t'ing," decided Mr. Switzer. "I gets me too a gun!" "Gracious! The game around here had better seek new quarters!" laughed Alice. "Next we'll be having Mr. Bunn and Mr. Sneed taking up the calling of Nimrod." Mr.

When he shewed them to his colleague, he shook his head, and said, "Very goot, very goot in Europe, but America boys and gals vill not bear it, dey will do just vat dey please; Suur, dey vould all go avay next day." "And you will not enforce these regulations si necessaires, Monsieur?" "Olar! not for de vorld." "Eh bien, Monsieur, I must leave the young republicans to your management."

"Ah, but, my much-honoured young lady, this is not de time or de way to do de great wonder of finding all de church's plate and treasure; but to oblige you, and Sir Arthur my patron, and de reverend clergymans, and goot Mr. Oldenbuck, and young Mr.

Not King Solomon in all his glory, be sure, could dine better than Schmucke. Schmucke took everything that "goot Montame Zipod" gave him, and was content, and so from day to day "goot Montame Zipod" cut down the cost of his dinner, until it could be served for twenty sous. "It won't be long afore I find out what is the matter with him, poor dear," said Mme.

Ludelmeyer's store and he wheezed, "Goot mornin', Mrs. Kennicott. Vell, dis iss a fine day," she did not notice the dustiness of the shelves nor the stupidity of the girl clerk; and she did not remember the mute colloquy with him on her first view of Main Street. She could not find half the kinds of food she wanted, but that made shopping more of an adventure.