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We were devoured with hunger and thirst, and told them we should be satisfied with potatoes and a place on the floor. The wife's brother, who came in soon afterwards, was thereupon despatched across the lake to bring coffee for us, and the pleasant good-wife put our potatoes upon the fire to boil.

Often, I used to watch the tidy good-wife, seated at the open little scuttle, like a woman at a cottage door, engaged in knitting socks for her husband; or perhaps, cutting his hair, as he kneeled before her.

Quhiles the hawk hes, and whiles he hunger hes. Quha may hold that will away? Quhen wine is in, wits out. Quhair stands your great horse? Quhen a man is full of lust, his wemb is full of leasing. Quhen the good-wife is fra hame, the keys are tint. Quhen the Steed is stoon, steik the stable-door. Quhen Taylours are true, there is little good to shew. Quhiles thou, whiles I, soe goes the Baillerie.

The eyes of Maitresse Aimable were fixed on her now, and unconsciously the ponderous good-wife felt in that warehouse she called her pocket for her rosary. An extra bead was there for Guida, and one for another than Guida. But Maltresse Aimable did more: she dived into the well of silence for her voice; and for the first time in her life she showed anger with Jean.

They sit a while with a delicate looking girl in whom the ingenuous youth naturally takes a special interest. The good physician talks cheerfully with her, asks her a few questions. Then to her mother: "Good-wife, Margaret hath somewhat profited, as she telleth, by the goat's milk she hath taken night and morning.

He might have to go right on to Christiania, no later than to-morrow to go to school there; and when he came back why, very likely the old mother might not be there any more. So all three of them were heavy-hearted, when the pock-marked good-wife, and the bow-legged old man, came down with him to the pier.

He was very old, and did not want to go away either, for he saw that everything his master had would go to wreck and ruin, if there was no one to look after it. "One morning after the middle of winter the good-wife went out to the byre to milk the cows.

"The country will be saved mem, now; when the Coercion Bill has passed the country will be saved," said the old man. "There's a great deal too much fuss made about everything," remarked the good-wife. "Look at that boy ten years old taken up, bless us all! for whistling at a man." "Did you take notice, mem, that the whistling was derisive, was derisive, it was derisive.

He took the Prioress's hand for Good-wife Dolly's, but he generally knew Anne, who could soothe him better than any other. Master Lorimer was fully occupied by combatants who came to have their equipments renewed or repaired, and he spent the days in his shop in London, but rode home in the long evenings with his budget of news.

They would be sitting about the table, perhaps, or spinning by the fire, the good-wife of Ladyfield still for them a living, breathing body, home among her herds, and he would come in among them and in a word bring her to their notice in all death's great monopoly. It was a duty to be done with care if he would avail himself of the whole value of so rare a chance.