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If he is foolish enough to go off without any breakfast, let him go. He'll meet me somewhere along the trail and say good-bye, I know. Bob," added George, pointing to the clothes-bag, which he had packed while he and his visitor were conversing, "put this into the pack-saddle, and have everything ready, so that I can start as soon as I have eaten breakfast. Come on, Springer."

Nic coughed almost convulsively. "Yes, that's it, that's it! Just keep that up. Come along now. Quick- not a moment to lose! Steady! You're all right, my boy; you've got nerve, and that's the thing. Good-bye, Nic, good luck to you!" They grasped hands: the door opened swiftly, and Nic stepped outside. In an instant Ferrol was at the loophole. Raising a rifle, he fired, then again and again.

He squeezed the hand of every one of the six lively lads; and there was a huskiness in his voice as he bade them a last good-bye that told better than words how sorry he was to leave the merry bunch, just when they were almost, as Bumpus put it, "in sight of the Promised Water."

Bedridden she Was; but so kind as Joe was to her! kept the room so clean! and the old woman, when he was there, was laughing at some of "t' lad's foolishness." The step was far down the street; but he could see him place the ladder, run up, and light the gas. A longing seized him to be spoken to once more. "Joe!" he called, out of the grating. "Good-bye, Joe!"

The cottage where Céleste lived was out from the village, among the meadows, and to the most hidden side of it young Fernand came on the eve of the day on which she must leave it for ever. Very far off the snow mountains had taken on their second flush of evening red before he came, and Céleste had grown weary waiting. 'Good-bye, said Fernand.

"But he said in his diary he didn't want to tell the truth," said Hal. "True, but he may have had a suspicion, nevertheless, that he felt was not tangible enough to incorporate in his diary. However, that will all be explained in due time, let us hope. Now, let's hurry. Good-bye, Hal, Bud. We'll be back as soon as possible."

"Then you decide to say good-bye?" she cried, with a lingering cadence. Alan seized her by both wrists, and drew her down to his side. "No, no, darling," he answered low, laying his lips against hers. "I can never say good-bye. You have confessed you love me. When a woman says that, what can a man refuse her?

"Then I saw he was cross about something, and I set out for home without waiting to say good-bye to Mr. Man, for I didn't want to waste any more time, though I missed my supper and got a scolding besides. "But I was glad I didn't bring home a black eye and scratched nose, and I'm more glad than ever now that Mr.

Speak to me say that you did love me a little! 'Good-bye, Harry, she said in the same constrained tone. 'For God's sake be fair to me, Chris. 'I am fair to you. Go; learn to love someone who will bring you happiness. Good-bye. 'There is one woman who could bring me happiness, an' she stabs me to the heart. I won't give you up, I won't forget, I won't say good-bye.

Orme; and may God send that you may be happy." "Good-bye, Madeline. I shall never call you so again, except to myself. I do wish you may be happy, I do indeed. As for him, he has been before me, and taken away all that I wanted to win." By this time the tears were in his eyes, and his voice was not free from their effect.