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Such printed instruction, in clear, simple, and incisive language, should be put into the hands of every syphilitic patient as a matter of routine, and it might be as well to have a corresponding card for gonorrhoeal patients. This plan has already been introduced at some hospitals, and it is so simple and unobjectionable a precaution that it will, no doubt, be generally adopted.

Hamilton, in "Principles and Practice of Surgery," says, "synovitis may be caused by exposure to cold, or may occur as a consequence of a rheumatic, strumous, or syphilitic cachexia, as a gonorrhoeal complication, as a sequela of fevers, and from many other causes, whose relation to the disease in question may not always be easily determined."

And if the pseudo-moralist still has difficulty in coöperating towards the healing of this social sore he may be reminded that he himself like every one of us little though we may know it has certainly had a great army of syphilitic and gonorrhoeal persons among his own ancestors during the past four centuries.

In German asylums Reinhard found that thirty per cent. lost their sight from the same cause. The total number of persons blind from gonorrhoeal infection from their mothers at birth is enormous. Although gonorrhoea is liable to produce many and various calamities, there can be no doubt that the majority of gonorrhoeal persons escape either suffering or inflicting any very serious injury.

Spermatozoa must not be mistaken for the Trichomonas vaginæ found in the vaginæ of some women. The latter have cilia surrounding the head, which is globular. Florence's Micro-Chemical Test for Spermatic Fluid. Barberio's Test. Mix a drop of the spermatic stain with a drop of a saturated solution of picric acid, when needle-shaped yellow rhombic crystals are formed. Gonorrhoeal Stains.