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Darsie said to herself with a distinct air of grievance as she climbed to her own room after lunch, and laid herself wearily on her couch, the while the Percival trio trotted gaily forth for "just a round" over their private golf-links. The evening programme was to begin with a concert, alternate items of which were to be given by the villagers and members of the surrounding "families."

To begin with, there was the ruinous expense of taking a taxi out to the golf-links, but by no other means could he hope to arrive in time to avert an encounter that might be fatal.

'Well, how should you at the Foreign Office, or the golf-links, or the club? asked Edith. Bruce ignored Edith, and went on: 'Perhaps he'll turn out to be a Lionel Monckton or a Paul Rubens. Perhaps he'll write comic opera revues or musical comedies. 'Oh dear, no, said their guest, shaking her head decidedly. 'It will be the very highest class, the top of the tree! The real thing!

The invasion of the tennis-courts and of the golf-links, the seizure of the bicycle and of the typewriter, were but steps preliminary in that campaign which is to end with the final victorious occupation of St. Stephen's. But stay! The horrific pioneers of womanhood who gad hither and thither and, confounding wisdom with the device on her shield, shriek for the unbecoming, are doomed.

King Leopold, who is said to contemplate using all the land between the outskirts of Ostend and Le Coq for sporting purposes, paid a large sum, very many thousands of francs, out of his own pocket, and the golf-links at Le Coq were laid out.

But now, as he topped a rise in the road, and saw Wrychester lying in its hollow beneath him, the summer sun shining on its red roofs and grey walls, he suddenly came to a decision, and instead of riding straight ahead into the old city he turned off at a by-road, made a line across the northern outskirts, and headed for the golf-links.

Fulton's grounds at this early hour in the evening?" "I am positive." "Was it not at a later hour, much later, a little before eleven instead of a little before nine?" "No, sir. I was on the golf-links then." "But some one drove into the stable." "So you say." "Unharnessed the horse, drew up the cutter, locked the stable-door, and, entering the house, hung up the key where it belonged."

The whole marg was become lake or stream lake over the polo-ground and half the golf-links fed by the weeping slopes on every side, whence innumerable rills rioted over the grass, emulating in ferocity and haste, if not in size, the tawny torrents which drained the sides of Apharwat.

I have no means of knowing; I never thought of looking at my watch." "Not when you started? Not when you left Cuthbert Road?" "No, sir." "But you know when you left the club-house to go back?" "Only by this it had not yet begun to snow. I'm told that the first flakes fell that night at ten minutes to eleven. I was on the golf-links when this happened. You can fix the time yourself.

The lawns were laid out as a miniature golf-links, the thick masses of Japanese shrubs forming deadly bunkers, and Reggie was trying some mashie shots when one of the rare Tokyo taxi-cabs, carrying Geoffrey Barrington inside it, came slowly round a corner of the drive, as though it were feeling its way for its destination among such a cluster of houses. Geoffrey was alone.