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And even Goldsheiner with Lady Julia had nothing of a job in comparison with this which he was expected to perform. And then if they should be wrong about the girl's fortune! He almost repented. He did repent, but he had not the courage to recede. 'How about money though? he said hoarsely. 'You have got some?

'Very well; very well. I can't ask you to stay, because a partner from the house of Todd, Brehgert, and Goldsheiner is waiting to see me, about matters which are rather more important than this of yours. Montague had said what he had to say, and departed. On the following day, three-quarters of an hour before the meeting of the Board of Directors, old Mr Longestaffe called in Abchurch Lane.

'They tell me, said the old man, 'that one of those Goldsheiner girls will have a lot of money. 'A Jewess, suggested Nidderdale. 'What difference does that make? 'Oh no; not in the least if the money's really there. Have you heard any sum named, sir? The old man only grunted. 'There are two sisters and two brothers. I don't suppose the girls would have a hundred thousand each.

I've had it in my mind for the last fortnight. 'And how is it to be? Oh, Felix, I hope it may succeed. 'It was your own idea, you know. We're going to; where do you think? 'How can I think? Boulogne. 'You say that just because Goldsheiner went there. That wouldn't have done at all for us. We're going to New York. 'To New York! But when will you be married?

'Where's Sir Gregory? said Melmotte, in a hoarse whisper, bending over the chair of a City friend. It was old Todd, the senior partner of Todd, Brehgert, and Goldsheiner. Mr Todd was a very wealthy man, and had a considerable following in the City. 'Ain't he here? said Todd, knowing very well who had come from the City and who had declined.

'That, Mr Melmotte, is what I should prefer. 'Very well, very well. I'll arrange it. Sorry to lose you, that's all. Miles, isn't Mr Goldsheiner waiting to see me? 'You're a little too quick, Mr Melmotte, said Paul. 'A man with my business on his hands is bound to be quick, sir. 'But I must be precise.

She had plucked up so much courage as had enabled her to declare her fate to her old friend, remembering as she did so how in days long past she and her friend Julia Triplex had scattered their scorn upon some poor girl who had married a man with a Jewish name, whose grandfather had possibly been a Jew. 'Dear me, said Lady Monogram. 'Todd, Brehgert, and Goldsheiner!

The man was absolutely a Jew; not a Jew that had been, as to whom there might possibly be a doubt whether he or his father or his grandfather had been the last Jew of the family; but a Jew that was. So was Goldsheiner a Jew, whom Lady Julia Start had married, or at any rate had been one a very short time before he ran away with that lady.

He hunts, and Damask says that he is one of the best shots at Hurlingham. I never met old Mr Goldsheiner anywhere. 'I have. 'Oh, yes, I dare say. Mr Melmotte, of course, entertains all the City people.

'That is a question very hard to answer. 'People do it every day. Lionel Goldsheiner ran away the other day with Lady Julia Start, and everybody visits them. 'Oh yes, people do run away, and it all comes right.