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"And what do you who are as leaves or drops of water do in that world of yours?" he said, plainly bent on turning the subject. "Keep off the golden-eyed girl, Larry," I interjected. "Wait till we find out why she's tabu." "Love and battle, strive and accomplish and die; or fail and die," answered Larry to Rador giving me a quick nod of acquiescence to my warning in English.

And that last vision of the golden-eyed girl bending over Larry? Had that also been a delusion of an overstressed mind? Well, it might have been, I could not tell. At any rate, I decided, I would speak about it to O'Keefe once we were alone again and then giving myself up to the urge of buoyant well-being I shouted like a boy, stripped and joined the two in the pool.

The golden-eyed son of the Morning rushed down the wind like a trumpet, His azure locks adorning with emeralds fresh from the ocean. It has already been said that those four men in armour, on the production of whom Robinson had especially prided himself, were dispensed with after the first fortnight. This, no doubt, was brought about through the parsimony of Mr.

Suppose at the club this evening I were to say: 'Upon my word of honor the golden-eyed was not worth all she cost me! Everybody would exclaim when I was gone: 'Did you hear that fop De Marsay, who tried to make us believe that he has already had the girl of the golden eyes? It's his way of trying to disembarrass himself of his rivals: he's no simpleton. But such a ruse is vulgar and dangerous.

The nightingale sings in the thickets; the woodpecker makes the primeval woods resound with his chisel; crows of the pink and black species croak from the dead branches of the oaks; ravens with dark red legs and scarlet bills build their nests in the top of the elms; detachments of blue wood-pigeons cover the fields as numerous and as tame as sparrows; mergansers and golden-eyed ducks haunt in numerous flocks the running waters; and wild geese flying down in the month of December from the Russian wastes, halt on their way to the waters of Persia, and mixed with swans, float in stately fleets on the shores of both the Euxine and the Caspian.

Then, seeing their younger brother, they ran to him and threw their arms about him, and asked a thousand questions about their father and the quest of the emerald. The golden-eyed brides watched them with sad faces, and finally broke into quiet tears. Imagine their joy, when their husbands returned to them and bade them be of good cheer.

And here, while I have been writing and you reading these pages, he has had them all with him; Oliver and Susan, on their bridal journey, which waited for summertime to come again, though they have been six months married; Rose, of course, and Dakie Thayne, home in vacation from a great school where he is studying hard, hoping for West Point by and by; Leslie Goldthwaite, who is Dakie's inspiration still; and our Flower, our Pansie, our Delight, golden-eyed Lady of innumerable sweet names.

"Again the hedges, tipped with tiny coral buds, primroses, and daffodils peeping up amid the brushwood, golden-eyed celandines and daisies lifting their sweet faces with smiles of welcome, remind us of the near approach of the bright spring-time.

"Another tumult and back came the Shining One, murmuring with joy, pulsing, triumphant, and clasped within its vapours a man and woman, ruddy-haired, golden-eyed, in whose faces rapture and horror lay side by side gloriously, hideously. And still holding them it danced above the Moon Pool and sank! "Now must I be brief. Lat after lat the Shining One went forth, returning with its sacrifices.

"In Muria," he said at last, "the men are like me or like Lugur. Our women are as you see them like Yolara or those two who served you." He hesitated. "And there is a third; but only one." Larry leaned forward eagerly. "Brown-haired with glints of ruddy bronze, golden-eyed, and lovely as a dream, with long, slender, beautiful hands?" he cried.