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"Sure they gott-a heem this-a morn in Jersey City 'n' say, he think-a eet a frame-up he theenk-a Geoff set-a de cops for-a take heem." "The hell he does!" exclaimed the Spider, starting to his feet. "So he send-a da word to Soapy," continued Tony, his eyes rolling, "an' now all-a da gang's out layin' for-a Geoff. So when Geoff go-a out on da street bingo! Dey snuff hees light out "

Dey go-a to school. Bimeby maka da good engineer, worka da railroad. Yes, I lika da milka ranch." She paused and regarded Martin with twinkling eyes. "You shall have it," he answered promptly. She nodded her head and touched her lips courteously to the wine-glass and to the giver of the gift she knew would never be given.

Trapes, summoned to the front door by a feverish knocking, presently came back followed by Tony, whose bright eyes looked wider than usual as he saluted the company. "Hey, Geoff, me tell-a you piece-a da-noos!" he cried excitedly, "big-a piece-a da-noos. Da cops go-a pinch-a Bud-a M'Ginn'!" "Bud? Bud?" stammered the Spider. "Have they pinched Bud? Is this the straight goods, Tony?"

You go-a in-a da peanut-a beezneez, hey? You want-a push-a de cart, hey?" "That's it, Tony." "Ver-a good!" nodded the good-natured Italian. "You come-a long-a me, pal. I take-a you get-a push-a-de-cart, up-a de street, yes?"

"I," he was saying, "am Pietro Moresco. I have-a da nice political posish, an' nice-a barber-shop on Mulberry-a Strit. Some-a day I getta on da force da pollis-force. Sure t'ing. I been-a home to see ma moth. I go-a back to make-a da more mon." He pulled out from his corded bundle of red quilts and coats and rugs some bottles of cheap wine. "I getta place for all you men."