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Rattling his tools, he followed me with apparent reluctance. As he entered the wine-shop he snorted, after the manner of gas-men, "Where's de leak?" "You find-a da leak," grunted Albano. "What-a you get-a you pay for? You want-a me do your work?" "Well, half a dozen o' you wops get out o' here, that's all. D'youse all wanter be blown ter pieces wid dem pipes and cigarettes?

As we were transferring the male Gharial into a female mugger pit, Harry jokingly yelled: "What do you think we will get-a Ghammer?" Of course crocs only mate with others of their own species and there is no way a Gharial and mugger will get together. We were in fact transferring the male here in order to give it a period of rest and recovery from fighting with other males.

"Why don't you try your hand line," suggested Cora, as she went to where it was tied to the rail. "May be you'll get-a bite, Jack." As she spoke, she felt on the heavy string, and, an instant later, uttered a cry, for it was jerked from her hand with such force as to skin her knuckles, and at the same time she cried: "Jack! Jack! You've hooked a big shark! Oh, what a monster!"

You go-a in-a da peanut-a beezneez, hey? You want-a push-a de cart, hey?" "That's it, Tony." "Ver-a good!" nodded the good-natured Italian. "You come-a long-a me, pal. I take-a you get-a push-a-de-cart, up-a de street, yes?"

I take-a pennees so," and he went over a handful of invisible coins, "I see!" pointing to the ring. "Where get-a?" He stared wildly around, to show how great had been his amazement. "Ah-h! him ba-ad-a monkee! him get-a up-a beeg house beeg seeck-house yours!" He ended with a delighted grin, which signified his pleasure in having his surmises come true.

"Where I-a da sleep?" asked Tony quickly. "In that room up there on the second floor, at the end of the porch." "And where I-a da eat?" he asked again. "Why, with us, of course," said Joe Williams. "Then I stay-a da mont and do-a da work, and when I get-a da through, we make-a da barg.

Rattling his tools, he followed me with apparent reluctance. As he entered the wine-shop he snorted, after the manner of gas-men, "Where's de leak?" "You find-a da leak," grunted Albano. "What-a you get-a pay for? You want-a me do your work?" "Well, half a dozen o' you wops get out o' here, that's all. D'youse all wanter be blown ter pieces wid dem pipes and cigarettes?