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The general opinion was that it had been dropped in one of the rooms, and was probably still lying there undiscovered. The girl's offer was accepted, and half an hour later the smaller of the two Glencardine cars the "sixteen" Fiat was brought round to the door by Stokes, the smart chauffeur. Young Gellatly, fresh down from Oxford, begged to be allowed to go with her, and his escort was accepted.

In a few days the young man was returning to his dingy chambers in the Temple, to pore again over those mouldy tomes of law; therefore almost daily he ran over to Glencardine to chat with the blind Baronet, and to have quiet walks with the sweet girl who looked so dainty in her fresh white frocks, and whose warm kisses were so soft and caressing.

The stables were now empty, but the garage adjoining, whence came the odour of petrol, contained the two Glencardine cars, besides three others belonging to members of that merry, irresponsible house-party. The inspection of the pointers was a mere excuse on her ladyship's part to be alone with Flockart.

Pancras, and King's Cross the night trains for Scotland had run in triplicate, crowded by men and gun-cases and kit-bags, while gloomy old Perth station was a scene of unwonted activity each morning. At Glencardine there were little or no grouse; therefore it was not until later that Sir Henry invited his usual party.

When the moon was down, Dundrennan and Lochan issued from the castle by a small postern, where they found Hamilton waiting for them with three horses. They mounted, and, passing quietly through the enemy's force, they escaped, and reached Lord Glencardine in safety to the north.

He glanced impatiently at his watch, and then paced the room, his hand thoughtfully stroking his grey beard. Only half an hour before he had alighted at the Gare du Nord, coming direct from far-off Glencardine, and had driven there in an auto-cab to keep an appointment made by telegram.

For a moment she was thoughtful, then she laughed defiantly in his face. "Speak! Say what you will. But if you do, you suffer with me." "You say that exposure is imminent," he remarked. "How did the girl manage to return to Glencardine?" "With Walter's aid. He went down to Woodnewton. What passed between them I have no idea. I only returned the day before yesterday from the South.

"It will be thought a case of suicide through love. Her mental depression is the common talk of the neighbourhood." And yet the girl was safe and now home again at Glencardine! He reflected upon the ugly facts of "the other affair" to which her ladyship sometimes referred, and his face went ashen pale.

But her father, angered and grieved, turned fiercely upon her and ordered her from his presence. "Go," he said, "and do not come near me again until your boxes are packed and you are ready to leave Glencardine." "You speak as though I were a servant whom you've discharged," she said bitterly. "I am speaking to my enemy, not to my daughter," was his hard response.

I had no idea dad possessed any of the Glencardine papers," she declared, much interested in that story of the past. "Perhaps from them I may be able to glean something further regarding the strange Whispers of Glencardine." "Make whatever searches you like, dearest," he said in all earnestness, "but never attempt to investigate the Whispers themselves."